
Differences between revisions 52 and 55 (spanning 3 versions)
Revision 52 as of 2012-05-04 08:20:55
Size: 5519
Editor: 212
Revision 55 as of 2012-05-05 21:23:26
Size: 6509
Editor: 43
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 32: Line 32:
Add to the grub boot line the following options
Line 34: Line 33:
''acpi=noirq'' Add to the grub boot line the following options :
Line 36: Line 35:
To keep these options edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg, carefully. || acpi=noirq ||

To keep these option edit the grub command. Execute this in a terminal :

|| $ sudo gedit /etc/default/grub ||

And modify the line :

|| GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" ||

It to obtain this line :

|| GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="acpi=noirq quiet splash" ||

Then, save, close, and back in the terminal, execute :

|| $ sudo update-grub ||

Now, when you will restart, it should be great.
Line 50: Line 67:
===== Installation on 12.04 =====
Add bumblebee ppa, reload, check your update and install bumblebee. Finally add your $USER (replace by your username to the group bumblebee :

|| $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bumblebee/stable ||
|| $ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade ||
|| $ sudo apt-get install bumblebee bumblebee-nvidia ||
|| $ sudo usermod -a -G bumblebee $USER ||

Now restart, and check your configuration :

|| $ glxspheres ||
|| $ optirun glxspheres ||

And compare the fps... If you need to use the nvidia video card, launch your application with 'optirun' at the begin of the command line.
Line 58: Line 90:
and then  and then


This page should give you all the information you need about running Ubuntu on a Dell XPS 15z laptop. XPS 15z works fine with Ubuntu, read this whole guide before start installation.

Installation gotcha's

  • Boot installer with acpi=noirq (to access boot options press any key when the purple screen with human=keyboard appears.)

  • USB installation: booting with an USB 2.0 storage on the USB 3 slot works to direct installation.

Hardware Support Matrix

Natty 11.04

Oneiric 11.10

Precise 12.04









Ext. Screen (HDMI)




Ext. Screen (Mini Displayport)




Wired ethernet




Wireless ethernet





Works with manual changes

Works with manual changes

Works in mouse emulation mode






Works with manual changes

Works with manual changes

Works with manual changes

9-in-1 card reader


Works with manual changes






* The HDMI is physically connected to the nVidia card -- by manually changing the xorg.conf, it is possible to start X on the nVidia card only, getting the HDMI video (at the cost of inactive main laptop screen and the Mini Displayport output).


Boot options

Add to the grub boot line the following options :


To keep these option edit the grub command. Execute this in a terminal :

$ sudo gedit /etc/default/grub

And modify the line :


It to obtain this line :

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="acpi=noirq quiet splash"

Then, save, close, and back in the terminal, execute :

$ sudo update-grub

Now, when you will restart, it should be great.

Optimus / Graphics cards

Bumblebee and nvidia-current driver

With 2GB NVIDIA GeForce GT 525M Graphics Card with Optimus installing nvidia-current drivers from restricted drivers causes the loss of compositing. Moreover running nvidia-xconfig crashes X on the next reboot (fix it with sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf and reboot). This happens because you need Bumblebee to make it work, more explanations follow the suggested procedure.

The Bumblebee stable PPA and more information about this subject can be found in Bumblebee.

As an example, using Bumblebee, it changes battery rate from 1900+ to around 1600 for me (verwilst). The current rate (with disconnected charger) can be tested using:

grep rate /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state

Installation on 12.04

Add bumblebee ppa, reload, check your update and install bumblebee. Finally add your $USER (replace by your username to the group bumblebee :

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bumblebee/stable

$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

$ sudo apt-get install bumblebee bumblebee-nvidia

$ sudo usermod -a -G bumblebee $USER

Now restart, and check your configuration :

$ glxspheres

$ optirun glxspheres

And compare the fps... If you need to use the nvidia video card, launch your application with 'optirun' at the begin of the command line.

9 in 1 card reader

Download the drivers at post #10 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1718934 uncompress the file, open a terminal and cd to the uncompressed directory and type

# make

and then

# sudo make install



Full multi-gesture trackpad usage does not work at this moment.

A latest kernel update seems to bring basic functionality out of the box, therefore the following procedure won't be necessary.

It is however possible to get basic mouse functionality with the following command:

# sudo rmmod psmouse; sudo modprobe psmouse proto=imps

( Or use proto=bare or proto=exps ).

To make this persistent, add the following line to a file in /etc/modprobe.d/ (/etc/modprobe.d/options.conf could be an option, but modprobe parses all the files in that directory):

options psmouse proto=imps

Wireless connection

Wireless connection can be seldom hard to bound or discontinue, it depends on power management settings.

A script named wireless and located in /usr/lib/pm-utils/power.d fires PSP when the pc is running on battery. If you want to override this setting create an empty file named wireless into the folder /etc/pm/power.d/.

In some cases PSP can be triggered also by other events like stand-by. If this is your case add the following lines to /etc/pm/power.d/wireless


/sbin/iwconfig eth1 power off

Anyway power management can be always manually turned on or off by giving the following command on terminal

sudo iwconfig your lan name power off or power on

USB 3 mass storage

If your USB 3.0 mass storage device is not recognized, even for fdisk or lsusb, you can try blacklisting the USB Attached SCSI module. Add the following line to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf

blacklist uas




Information on Bumblebee (for graphics card Optimus support)


Power saving polling issues on Official Dell Forum

How to disable PSP on Ubuntu

HardwareSupport/Machines/Laptops/Dell/XPS/15z (last edited 2014-06-24 09:25:38 by 193)