
Revision 7 as of 2008-03-07 20:04:12

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Kubuntu-KDE4 Hardy Alpha is here. There will be two editions of Kubuntu with the 8.04 release, a commercially supported KDE 3 edition and a community supported KDE 4 edition. We recommend the KDE 4 edition to those who want to try this exciting new desktop version and can put up with some missing features.

NOTE: This is an alpha (pre-) release. Pre-release version of Hardy are NOT encouraged for anyone needing a stable system or for anyone who is not comfortable running into occasional, even frequent, breakage. Pre-release versions of Hardy ARE recommended for Kubuntu developers and those who want to help in testing, reporting, and fixing bugs.

Alpha for Kubuntu KDE 3

  • [:HardyHeron/Alpha5/Kubuntu: Alpha 5]

If you have a comment go to our [:HardyHeron/Alpha5/KubuntuKDE4/Feedback: feedback page].

In This Release

This is our first alpha for our KDE 4 version of Kubuntu. It comes with KDE 4.0.1 and some applications from KDE 3 to fill in any gaps. As with any first alpha there remains much polishing to be done (you will need to run knetworkmanager manually for example) but it gives a good overview of what will be released with as 8.04 in April.

