
Revision 13 as of 2008-04-23 18:02:48

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These release notes document known issues with Ubuntu 8.04 LTS and version 8.04 of Kubuntu and Xubuntu.

System Requirements

The minimum memory requirement for Ubuntu 8.04 is 384MB of memory for desktop CDs, and 256MB for other installation methods. (Note that some of your system's memory may be unavailable due to being used for the graphics card.)

With only the minimum amount of memory available, the installation process will take longer than normal, but will complete successfully, and the system will perform adequately once installed. Low-memory systems may be able to use the desktop CD to install by selecting "Install Ubuntu" from the boot menu to run just the installer, rather than the whole desktop started by selecting "Try Ubuntu without any change to your computer".


OpenOffice.org database, Java, equation editor support

  • For reasons of disk space, the database and equation editor components of OpenOffice.org, as well as Java integration support, are not included on the installation CDs. To get the full OpenOffice.org suite after install, you can select "OpenOffice.org Office Suite" from the Applications -> Add/Remove menu, or install the openoffice.org metapackage using the package manager.

iSCSI partitions

  • The open-iscsi package is now a maintained option in Ubuntu 8.04 LTS, and iSCSI NAS partitions can be configured right from the installer. At this time, however, the root and boot filesystems should be placed on a local partition.


Users of Ubuntu 7.10 or Ubuntu 6.06 LTS can upgrade to Ubuntu 8.04 by a convenient automated process. Complete instructions may be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading.

Route metrics

  • ifupdown now sets the default route metric to 100 for interfaces with no metric option set in /etc/network/interfaces. This change makes no difference for most users, but may affect a few users with complex networking requirements. If you rely on the previous default route metric of 0 (zero), edit /etc/network/interfaces and set the metric option explicitly for your interface, for example:

    iface eth0 inet static
            metric 0

Network Manager

  • In Ubuntu 8.04, network-manager only manages interfaces that are marked for roaming. Thus, all interfaces that were previously managed by network-manager will be set to roaming mode during upgrade. Technically, this takes any interface stanzas using the dhcp method with no options and that are marked auto, and removes them from /etc/network/interfaces. If you rely on your interfaces being started by ifupdown when the system starts up, you need to re-enable them in /etc/network/interfaces manually, or disable roaming in System -> Administration -> Network.

NFS mount support

  • To mount NFS filesystems, you must now install the nfs-common package.

/bin/sh is now dash

  • To improve overall system performance, the /bin/sh shell in Ubuntu 6.10 and later is dash, rather than bash as it was in Ubuntu 6.06 LTS. This may cause compatibility problems for local shell scripts. Please see DashAsBinSh for more information.

UltraSPARC disk label changes

  • Users upgrading to Ubuntu 8.04 LTS on UltraSPARC from Ubuntu 6.06 LTS should manually re-run fdisk on all disks. fdisk will warn if the disk label needs to be updated; follow its instructions. New installations of Ubuntu 8.04 will automatically use the new disk label format.

SCIM hotkey changes

  • The default Shift+Space hotkey for the Smart Common Input Method (SCIM) has been removed, and Alt+ has been added in its place. As before, other default hotkeys are Control+Space, Zenkaku_Hankuku, and Hangul. Hotkeys can be configured using the Front`End -> Global Setup section in SCIM Setup.

Other known issues

DELL RAID firmware compatibility

  • Ubuntu 8.04 LTS fails to run on some DELL PowerEdge servers with RAID controllers, such as the 3/Di controller in the DELL PowerEdge 1650, due to a bug in the RAID firmware. To install or upgrade to Ubuntu 8.04 LTS on a system with the affected RAID controller, you will first need to upgrade your RAID firmware.