
Differences between revisions 46 and 78 (spanning 32 versions)
Revision 46 as of 2012-03-02 03:51:20
Size: 12012
Editor: unit193
Comment: Removed incorrect wiki links, link to wrong channel, and ubottu channel
Revision 78 as of 2022-11-14 21:51:51
Size: 9378
Editor: teward
Comment: wxl and tsimonq2 no longer are POCs for lubot in Lubuntu namespace
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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ubuntulog can be joined to an #ubuntu-*, #kubuntu-*, #xubuntu-*, #edubuntu-*, #ubuntuforums-*, or #ubuntustudio-* channel to provide official Ubuntu logging, which will appear on [[|Ubuntu's official irclogs page]]. You can ask for ubuntulog to be added to any official Ubuntu by emailing the request to If ubuntulog is present in your channel, you must add the following entry message, or a translated version of the message, via Chan``Serv: ubuntulog can be joined to official project channels to provide official Ubuntu logging, which will appear on [[|Ubuntu's official irclogs page]]. You can ask for ubuntulog to be added to any official Ubuntu by emailing the request to If ubuntulog is present in your channel, you must add the following entry message, or a translated version of the message, via Chan``Serv:
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There are different bots for different channels. If you need a bot in your Ubuntu or related channel, you can ask from the bot maintainers in #ubuntu-bots-team. There are different bots for different channels. If you need a bot in your Ubuntu or related channel, you can ask from the bot maintainers in #ubuntu-bots.
Line 26: Line 26:
 *[[#ubot2|ubot2]] -> [[Teams|Team]] channels A-L
 *[[#ubot4|ubot4]] -> [[Teams|Team]] channels M-Z
 *[[#lubotu1|lubotu1]] -> [[Membership/RegionalBoards/Americas|Americas]] LoCo channels
 *[[#lubotu2|lubotu2]] -> [[Membership/RegionalBoards/AsiaOceania|Asia]] LoCo channels
 *[[#lubotu3|lubotu3]] -> [[Membership/RegionalBoards/EMEA|EMEA]] LoCo channels
 *[[#ubot5|ubot5]] -> External, but Ubuntu related, IRC channels
 *[[#lubotu|lubotu]] -> LoCo channels
/* *[[#ubot5|ubot5]] -> External, but Ubuntu related, IRC channels */
 *[[#ubot93|ubot93]] -> Ubuntu IRC channels; External, but Ubuntu related IRC channels.
Line 33: Line 30:
== Floodbot info ==
Line 35: Line 31:
The floodbots exist to provide an automatic response to several types of channel disturbance, and tend to be faster (and more often available) than human operators. They deal with:

 * Accidental Flooding
 * Deliberate Flooding
 * Mass Joins
 * Ban evasion using web gateways
 * DCC Exploits
 * Open Proxies
 * Potential Attacks

Each floodbot can only monitor one channel at a time. #ubuntu has a set of floodbots named FloodBot1, FloodBot2, etc. #kubuntu's are named FloodBotK1, etc. Their control channels are #ubuntu-ops-monitor and #kubuntu-ops-monitor, respectively.

You can find more information on the floodbots at:
Line 51: Line 34:
|| <<Anchor(ubottu)>>ubottu || #edubuntu, #kubuntu-devel, #kubuntu-offtopic, #kubuntu-ops-monitor, #kubuntu-proxy-users, #kubuntu, #lubuntu, #ubuntu, #ubuntu-bots, #ubuntu-devel, #ubuntu-irc, #ubuntu-meeting, #ubuntu-motu, #ubuntu-offtopic, #ubuntu-ops, #ubuntu-ops-monitor, #ubuntu-proxy-users, #ubuntu-server, #ubuntu-women, #ubuntu+1, #ubuntustudio, #ubuntustudio-devel, #xubuntu, #xubuntu-offtopic, #xubuntu-devel || Supybot, ubottu clone || Its source code may be found [[|here]] and its SQLite(2) factoids database may be downloaded from [[|this location]]. Usage information is also available [[|here]] || [[LaunchpadHome:tsimpson|tsimpson]], [[irc://|#ubuntu-bots-team]] or [[irc://|#ubuntu-ops]] ||
|| ubuntulog || #edubuntu, #kubuntu, #kubuntu-devel, #ubuntu, #ubuntu-arm, #ubuntu-artwork, #ubuntu-boot, #ubuntu-bugs, #ubuntu-classroom, #ubuntu-desktop, #ubuntu-devel, #ubuntu-doc, #ubuntu-ec2, #ubuntu-installer, #ubuntu-irc, #ubuntu-java, #ubuntu-kernel, #ubuntu-learning, #ubuntu-marketing, #ubuntu-meeting, #ubuntu-mobile, #ubuntu-motu, #ubuntu-mozillateam, #ubuntu-mythtv, #ubuntu-news, #ubuntu-ngo, #ubuntuone, #ubuntu-ops, #ubuntu-pe, #ubuntu-server, #ubuntu-testing, #ubuntu-us-mn, #ubuntu-website, #ubuntu-x, #xubuntu || logging bot || Logs may be found at || Send a mail to <<MailTo(rt AT SPAMFREE ubuntu DOT com)>> to open a support request ||
|| mtbot || #ubuntu-drupal, #ubuntu-us-sd, #ubuntu-us-central, [+non-ubuntu] || combination of ubottu, ubuntulog, MeetBot || || [[MTecknology]] ||
|| Floodbot1, Floodbot2, Floodbot3, Floodbot4 || #ubuntu || Channel management || || [[LorenzoJLucchini]], [[irc://|#ubuntu-ops]] ||
|| Bestbot || #ubuntu-bots || Polls about software || || [[LorenzoJLucchini]] ||
|| Metabot || #ubuntu-meta, #ubuntu, #kubuntu || Support question classification and reporting || || [[LorenzoJLucchini]] ||
|| !FloodBotK1, !FloodBotK2, !FloodBotK3 || #kubuntu || Channel management || || [[LaunchpadHome:tsimpson|tsimpson]], [[irc://|#ubuntu-ops]] ||
|| <<Anchor(ubot2)>>ubot2 || #kubuntu-bugs, #kubuntu-testers, #ubuntu-app-devel, #ubuntu-arm, #ubuntu-artwork, #ubuntu-bots-devel, #ubuntu-bots-team, #ubuntu-bugs, #ubuntu-classroom, #ubuntu-classroom-chat, #ubuntu-community-team, #ubuntu-desktop, #ubuntu-doc, #ubuntu-hardened, #ubuntu-installer, #ubuntu-irc-helpers, #ubuntu-java, #ubuntu-kernel || Supybot, ubottu clone || Team Channels, A-L. Database is synced from the main ubottu bot every hour. || [[LaunchpadHome:jpds|jpds]], or [[irc://|#ubuntu-irc]] ||
|| <<Anchor(ubot4)>>ubot4 || #ubuntu-locoteams, #ubuntu-marketing, #ubuntu-mobile, #ubuntu-mozillateam, #ubuntu-ngo, #ubuntu-packaging, #ubuntu-quality, #ubuntu-release, #ubuntu-release-party, #ubuntu-reviews, #ubuntu-testing, #ubuntu-translators, #ubuntu-website, #ubuntu-women-project, #ubuntu-x, #ubuntu-youth, #ubuntuforums, #ubuntuone || Supybot, ubottu clone || Team Channels, M-Z. Database is synced from the main ubottu bot every hour. || [[LaunchpadHome:jpds|jpds]], or [[irc://|#ubuntu-irc]] ||
|| <<Anchor(ubottu)>>ubottu || Core, development, external but Ubuntu related || Limnoria, ubottu clone || Its source code may be found [[|here]] and its SQLite(3) factoids database may be downloaded from [[|this location]]. Usage information is also available [[|here]] || [[LaunchpadHome:Unit193|Unit193]], [[irc://|#ubuntu-bots]] or [[irc://|#ubuntu-irc]] ||
|| ubuntulog/ubuntulog2 || See above for channel logging policy. || logging bot || Logs may be found at || Send a mail to <<MailTo(rt AT SPAMFREE ubuntu DOT com)>> to open a support request ||
/* || <<Anchor(ubot5)>>ubot5 || #ayatana, #bzr, #launchpad, #launchpad-meeting, #launchpad-releases || Supybot, ubottu clone || Non Namespace chans || [[LaunchpadHome:bnrubin|bnrubin]], [[irc://|#ubuntu-bots-team]] or [[irc://|#ubuntu-irc]] || */
|| <<Anchor(ubot93)>>ubot93 || Ubuntu team channels, external but related channels || Limnoria, ubottu clone || Non Namespace chans || [[LaunchpadHome:Unit193|Unit193]] ||
Line 61: Line 39:
|| ClassBot || #ubuntu-classroom, #ubuntu-classroom-chat || Classroom Management Bot || || [[LaunchpadHome:nhandler]] ||
|| [[ScribesTeam/MootBot|MootBot]] || #ubuntu-women #kubuntu-devel #ubuntu-classroom || eggdrop v1.6.18 || Meeting minutes and logs are available at || ScribesTeam ||
|| manualbot || #ubuntu-manual || Based on ubottu || || dutchie ||
Line 65: Line 40:
|| <<Anchor(ubot5)>>ubot5 || #ayatana, #bzr, #launchpad, #launchpad-meeting, #launchpad-releases || Supybot, ubottu clone || Non Namespace chans || [[LaunchpadHome:tsimpson|tsimpson]], [[irc://|#ubuntu-bots-team]] or [[irc://|#ubuntu-irc]] ||
|| Meetingology || #lubuntu #ubuntu-accessibility #ubuntu-au #ubuntu-beginners-wiki #ubuntu-bugs #ubuntu-classroom #ubuntu-for-all #ubuntu-fry #ubuntu-ie #ubuntu-in #ubuntu-meeting #ubuntu-ngo #ubuntu-nl-meeting #ubuntu-nl-mwanzo #ubuntu-quality #ubuntu-se-mote #ubuntu-tour #ubuntu-uk-meeting #ubuntu-us-id #ubuntu-women-project #ubuntu-youth #ubuntu-youth-council #xubuntu-devel || Supybot || development meeting bot || [[LaunchpadHome:alanbell|AlanBell]] ||
|| Quizbuntu || #ubuntu-trivia || eggdrop || Trivia bot || [[LaunchpadHome:ryanakca|Ryan Kavanagh]] ||
|| Dragon``Eyes || #lubuntu-offtopic || Sonic``Bot || Admin bot, also has basic AI module and factoids || [[Mohan_chml]] ||
|| Meetingology || #juju-dev, #lubuntu-devel, #meetingology, #ubuntu-accessibility, #ubuntu-accomplishments, #ubuntu-au, #ubuntu-be, #ubuntu-bugs, #ubuntu-ca, #ubuntu-co-meeting, #ubuntu-community-team, #ubuntu-design, #ubuntu-desktop, #ubuntu-doc, #ubuntu-eg, #ubuntu-for-all, #ubuntu-fry, #ubuntu-gnome, #ubuntu-ie, #ubuntu-in, #ubuntu-it-meeting, #ubuntu-manual, #ubuntu-meeting, #ubuntu-meeting-2, #Ubuntu-Mx, #ubuntu-my, #ubuntu-ngo, #ubuntu-ni, #Ubuntu-nl-mwanzo, #ubuntu-quality, #ubuntu-rmb, #ubuntu-scribes, #ubuntu-se-mote, #ubuntu-tn-meeting, #ubuntu-touch-meeting, #ubuntu-tour, #ubuntu-tv, #ubuntu-uk-meeting, #Ubuntu-US-AZ, #ubuntu-us-dc, #ubuntu-us-fl, #ubuntu-us-id, #ubuntu-us-ny, #ubuntu-us-or, #ubuntu-us-tn, #ubuntu-ve, #ubuntu-women-project, #ubuntu-youth, #ubuntu-youth-council, #ubuntustudio-devel, and #xubuntu-devel || Limnoria || development meeting bot || [[LaunchpadHome:jose|jose]] ||
|| queuebot || #kubuntu-devel, #ubuntu-ci-eng, #ubuntu-release, and #ubuntu-quality || Release Management Bot || ||[[LaunchpadHome:stgraber|stgraber]] ||
|| twobottux || #ubuntu-app-devel, #juju, #juju-dev || Supybot || Feed and AskUbuntu Integration Bot || [[amith]] ||
|| Air``Bot || #ubuntu-on-air || Ubuntu on Air Management Bot || || [[JoseeAntonioR]] ||
|| !IrcsomeBot || #kubuntu, #kubuntu-devel, #kubuntu-offtopic, #kubuntu-council, #kubuntu-podcast, #kdevelop, #kde-soc || [[|TeleIRC]] || [[|KDE Telegram/IRC bridge]] || [[OvidiuFlorinBogdan]] ||
|| lubot || #lubuntu-* || [[|Matterbridge]] || Telegram/IRC bridge || [[Thomas Ward]] ||
|| ubuntubridgebot || #ubuntu-flavors, #ubuntu-quality, #ubuntu-translators || [[|Matterbridge]] || Multi-protocol chat bridge. Not all bridges are configured to be multidirectional - some channels (such as -flavors) are configured to only be an 'input' relay to relay to Telegram or other chat platforms. Can be asked to bridge only official channels (for Ubuntu and official flavors) under the purview of the IRC Council. || [[Thomas Ward]] (email <<MailTo(teward AT ubuntu DOT com)>>) ||
Line 73: Line 51:
|| ubotu-search || #ubuntu-fr || search bot || search packages and || beaver on #ubuntu-fr ||
Line 75: Line 54:
|| Floodbotit1, Floodbotit2 || #ubuntu-it, #ubuntu-it-chat || Channel management || || [[LorenzoJLucchini]] ||
|| <<Anchor(lubotu1)>>lubotu1 || #ubuntu-ca, #ubuntu-ca-vn, #ubuntu-chicago, #ubuntu-irc, #ubuntu-ni, #ubuntu-sv, #Ubuntu-us-az, #ubuntu-us-co, #ubuntu-us-dc, #ubuntu-us-mn, #ubuntu-us-nc, #ubuntu-us-nm, #ubuntu-us-ny, #ubuntu-us-or, #ubuntu-us-ri, #ubuntu-us-sc, #ubuntu-us-wi || Supybot, Ubottu Clone || Americas Loco's || [[LaunchpadHome:tsimpson|tsimpson]], [[irc://|#ubuntu-bots-team]] or [[irc://|#ubuntu-irc]] ||
|| <<Anchor(lubotu2)>>lubotu2 || #ubuntu-au, #ubuntu-bd, #ubuntu-cn, #ubuntu-in, #ubuntu-in-del, #ubuntu-irc, #ubuntu-my, #ubuntu-np, #ubuntu-ph, #ubuntu-sg || Supybot, ubottu clone || Loco Chans, Asia || [[LaunchpadHome:tsimpson|tsimpson]], [[irc://|#ubuntu-bots-team]] or [[irc://|#ubuntu-irc]] ||
|| <<Anchor(lubotu3)>>lubotu3 || #kubuntu-fi, #ubuntu-at, #ubuntu-berlin, #ubuntu-ci, #ubuntu-cym, #ubuntu-cymraeg, #ubuntu-dz, #ubuntu-eg, #ubuntu-fi, #ubuntu-fi-en, #ubuntu-gr, #ubuntu-ie, #ubuntu-ir, #ubuntu-irc, #ubuntu-lb, #ubuntu-mt, #ubuntu-no, #ubuntu-nordic, #ubuntu-rs, #ubuntu-sa, #ubuntu-tn-classroom, #ubuntu-tn-meeting, #ubuntu-uk || Supybot, ubottu clone || Loco Chans, EMEA || [[LaunchpadHome:tsimpson|tsimpson]], [[irc://|#ubuntu-bots-team]] or [[irc://|#ubuntu-irc]] ||
|| kubot || #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es, #ubuntu-es-offtopic, #ubuntu-co, #ubuntu-es-ops || modified
Supybot || Factoids and Manpages in Spanish/English || [[m4v]] or [[irc://|#ubuntu-es-ops]] ||
|| MootBot-AT || #ubuntu-at [+non-ubuntu] || Supybot (clone of meetingology) || Any Loco can request. Any Ubuntu or *buntu namespace can also apply. || [[LaunchpadHome:michealh|MichealH]], MichealH on IRC ||
|| PennBot || #ubuntu-us-pa || Supybot || Pennsylvania, USA Loco Bot. Plugins: Infobot, Later, Channelstats, Google, Karma, Seen|| [[LaunchpadHome:trekcaptainusa-tw|Thomas Ward]], Resistance/EvilResistance on IRC ||
|| <<Anchor(lubotu1)>>lubotu1 || #ubuntu-ca, #ubuntu-ca-vn, #ubuntu-chicago, #ubuntu-irc, #ubuntu-ni, #ubuntu-sv, #Ubuntu-us-az, #ubuntu-us-co, #ubuntu-us-dc, #ubuntu-us-mn, #ubuntu-us-nc, #ubuntu-us-nm, #ubuntu-us-ny, #ubuntu-us-or, #ubuntu-us-ri, #ubuntu-us-sc, #ubuntu-us-wi || Supybot, Ubottu Clone || Americas Loco's || [[LaunchpadHome:bnrubin|bnrubin]], [[irc://|#ubuntu-bots-team]] or [[irc://|#ubuntu-irc]] ||
|| <<Anchor(lubotu2)>>lubotu2 || #ubuntu-au, #ubuntu-bd, #ubuntu-cn, #ubuntu-in, #ubuntu-in-del, #ubuntu-irc, #ubuntu-my, #ubuntu-np, #ubuntu-ph, #ubuntu-sg || Supybot, ubottu clone || Loco Chans, Asia || [[LaunchpadHome:bnrubin|bnrubin]], [[irc://|#ubuntu-bots-team]] or [[irc://|#ubuntu-irc]] ||
|| <<Anchor(lubotu3)>>lubotu3 || #kubuntu-fi, #ubuntu-at, #ubuntu-berlin, #ubuntu-ci, #ubuntu-cym, #ubuntu-cymraeg, #ubuntu-dz, #ubuntu-eg, #ubuntu-fi, #ubuntu-fi-en, #ubuntu-gr, #ubuntu-ie, #ubuntu-ir, #ubuntu-irc, #ubuntu-lb, #ubuntu-mt, #ubuntu-no, #ubuntu-nordic, #ubuntu-rs, #ubuntu-sa, #ubuntu-tn-classroom, #ubuntu-tn-meeting, #ubuntu-uk || Supybot, ubottu clone || Loco Chans, EMEA || [[LaunchpadHome:bnrubin|bnrubin]], [[irc://|#ubuntu-bots-team]] or [[irc://|#ubuntu-irc]] ||
|| kubot || #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es, #xubuntu-es, #lubuntu-es, #ubuntu-es-cafe, #ubuntu-co, #ubuntu-
pe, #ubuntu-es-ops || Supybot with l10n features || For Spanish channels || [[m4v]] or [[irc://|#ubuntu-es-ops]] ||
Line 88: Line 64:
 * The bot satisfies all freenode rules and guidelines, is not anonymized and is easily identifiable by nickname.  * The bot satisfies all rules and guidelines, is not anonymized and is easily identifiable by nickname.

This page holds contact information on the various IRC bots running in Ubuntu IRC channels and some Ubuntu related channels. Please add your bot to this list.

ubuntulog Terms

ubuntulog can be joined to official project channels to provide official Ubuntu logging, which will appear on Ubuntu's official irclogs page. You can ask for ubuntulog to be added to any official Ubuntu by emailing the request to If ubuntulog is present in your channel, you must add the following entry message, or a translated version of the message, via ChanServ:

Welcome to #channel. This channel is publicly logged at Use of this channel implies acceptance of the terms at

Some translated versions of the Terms of Service are also available here. The owner(s) of the channel also add the message with the following command:

/msg ChanServ SET #channel ENTRYMSG Welcome to #channel. This channel is publicly logged at Use of this channel implies acceptance of the terms at

You can modify the contents entry message if necessary, as long as you clearly get across the fact that the channel is being logged and that use of the channel implies acceptance of the terms at LoCo teams are encouraged to translate that page if required.

Info Bot Channels

There are different bots for different channels. If you need a bot in your Ubuntu or related channel, you can ask from the bot maintainers in #ubuntu-bots.

The current policy for which bot goes to which channel is as follows:

  • ubot93 -> Ubuntu IRC channels; External, but Ubuntu related IRC channels.

Non-LoCo bots







Core, development, external but Ubuntu related

Limnoria, ubottu clone

Its source code may be found here and its SQLite(3) factoids database may be downloaded from this location. Usage information is also available here

Unit193, #ubuntu-bots or #ubuntu-irc


See above for channel logging policy.

logging bot

Logs may be found at

Send a mail to <rt AT SPAMFREE ubuntu DOT com> to open a support request


Ubuntu team channels, external but related channels

Limnoria, ubottu clone

Non Namespace chans



Supybot, ubottu clone



#ubuntu-server #ubuntu-virt #ubuntu-dk #ubuntu-nordic-dev

Supybot, ubottu clone



#juju-dev, #lubuntu-devel, #meetingology, #ubuntu-accessibility, #ubuntu-accomplishments, #ubuntu-au, #ubuntu-be, #ubuntu-bugs, #ubuntu-ca, #ubuntu-co-meeting, #ubuntu-community-team, #ubuntu-design, #ubuntu-desktop, #ubuntu-doc, #ubuntu-eg, #ubuntu-for-all, #ubuntu-fry, #ubuntu-gnome, #ubuntu-ie, #ubuntu-in, #ubuntu-it-meeting, #ubuntu-manual, #ubuntu-meeting, #ubuntu-meeting-2, #Ubuntu-Mx, #ubuntu-my, #ubuntu-ngo, #ubuntu-ni, #Ubuntu-nl-mwanzo, #ubuntu-quality, #ubuntu-rmb, #ubuntu-scribes, #ubuntu-se-mote, #ubuntu-tn-meeting, #ubuntu-touch-meeting, #ubuntu-tour, #ubuntu-tv, #ubuntu-uk-meeting, #Ubuntu-US-AZ, #ubuntu-us-dc, #ubuntu-us-fl, #ubuntu-us-id, #ubuntu-us-ny, #ubuntu-us-or, #ubuntu-us-tn, #ubuntu-ve, #ubuntu-women-project, #ubuntu-youth, #ubuntu-youth-council, #ubuntustudio-devel, and #xubuntu-devel


development meeting bot



#kubuntu-devel, #ubuntu-ci-eng, #ubuntu-release, and #ubuntu-quality

Release Management Bot



#ubuntu-app-devel, #juju, #juju-dev


Feed and AskUbuntu Integration Bot




Ubuntu on Air Management Bot



#kubuntu, #kubuntu-devel, #kubuntu-offtopic, #kubuntu-council, #kubuntu-podcast, #kdevelop, #kde-soc


KDE Telegram/IRC bridge





Telegram/IRC bridge

Thomas Ward


#ubuntu-flavors, #ubuntu-quality, #ubuntu-translators


Multi-protocol chat bridge. Not all bridges are configured to be multidirectional - some channels (such as -flavors) are configured to only be an 'input' relay to relay to Telegram or other chat platforms. Can be asked to bridge only official channels (for Ubuntu and official flavors) under the purview of the IRC Council.

Thomas Ward (email <teward AT ubuntu DOT com>)

LoCo bots








Flood,Repeat,Operator tools and user factoids/wiki search

Please mail <niko AT ubuntu-fr DOT org>



search bot

search packages and

beaver on #ubuntu-fr


#kubuntu-fi #ubuntu-fi #ubuntu-fi-offtopic #ubuntu-fi-devel #ubuntu-fi-en #ubuntu-fi-tiimit #ubuntu-nordic

Supybot, main function is fetching titles from links




Protection and infobot



#ubuntu-ca, #ubuntu-ca-vn, #ubuntu-chicago, #ubuntu-irc, #ubuntu-ni, #ubuntu-sv, #Ubuntu-us-az, #ubuntu-us-co, #ubuntu-us-dc, #ubuntu-us-mn, #ubuntu-us-nc, #ubuntu-us-nm, #ubuntu-us-ny, #ubuntu-us-or, #ubuntu-us-ri, #ubuntu-us-sc, #ubuntu-us-wi

Supybot, Ubottu Clone

Americas Loco's

bnrubin, #ubuntu-bots-team or #ubuntu-irc


#ubuntu-au, #ubuntu-bd, #ubuntu-cn, #ubuntu-in, #ubuntu-in-del, #ubuntu-irc, #ubuntu-my, #ubuntu-np, #ubuntu-ph, #ubuntu-sg

Supybot, ubottu clone

Loco Chans, Asia

bnrubin, #ubuntu-bots-team or #ubuntu-irc


#kubuntu-fi, #ubuntu-at, #ubuntu-berlin, #ubuntu-ci, #ubuntu-cym, #ubuntu-cymraeg, #ubuntu-dz, #ubuntu-eg, #ubuntu-fi, #ubuntu-fi-en, #ubuntu-gr, #ubuntu-ie, #ubuntu-ir, #ubuntu-irc, #ubuntu-lb, #ubuntu-mt, #ubuntu-no, #ubuntu-nordic, #ubuntu-rs, #ubuntu-sa, #ubuntu-tn-classroom, #ubuntu-tn-meeting, #ubuntu-uk

Supybot, ubottu clone

Loco Chans, EMEA

bnrubin, #ubuntu-bots-team or #ubuntu-irc


#ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es, #xubuntu-es, #lubuntu-es, #ubuntu-es-cafe, #ubuntu-co, #ubuntu-pe, #ubuntu-es-ops

Supybot with l10n features

For Spanish channels

m4v or #ubuntu-es-ops

External Bots

The IRC Council may also grant external public log bots to log certain channels, on the following conditions:

  • Channel has 'UbuntuIrcCouncil' as contact with chanserv.

  • Channel is already logged at by 'ubuntulog'.
  • The bot satisfies all rules and guidelines, is not anonymized and is easily identifiable by nickname.

Please make sure you contact the IRC Council before your bot joins any channels.

Bots currently allowed:







Any channel owned by UbuntuIrcCouncil and ubuntulog is already logging

Search engine


#ubuntu, #ubuntu+1, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, #kubuntu

<ircanswers AT gmail DOT com>

IRC/Bots (last edited 2022-11-14 21:51:51 by teward)