
Revision 57 as of 2012-01-06 10:33:22

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Agenda Entries

Onboarding of #lubuntu

A review of the current status and next steps for making #lubuntu a core channel. What is the path for current operators to becoming core ops and what are the key dates.

Eir Bugfest

Discussion of eir, the current status. Bugs to be filed in ubuntu-bots and upstreamed.

IRCC Announcements

The IRCC/IRC team currently has a ML where discussion and announcements go on. The is a need for a place where people who use IRC but are not overly interested in the whole discussion behind it can get regular information. this could be a blog, a announce ML a twitter/other short message feed etc. It should be a read only situation, and those wanting to discuss would then go to the IRC ML.

Examples of this type of thing being done are the various announcement lists within *buntu and the freenode blog found at