IRC Team Home

User Guidelines

Operator Guidelines

Next team meeting (details):

Currently no scheduled meeting. You can join #ubuntu-irc if you wish to discuss something.


The Ubuntu IRC Core channels are governed by the Ubuntu Code of Conduct and the Ubuntu IRC guidelines. When using the Ubuntu IRC channels users agree to behave in compliance with the defined polices. The same is also true of the network and host providers that allow users to use their hosts and network to connect to the Ubuntu IRC resources. Any host or network provider that has no Terms of Use policy, has a policy that is incompatible with the Ubuntu IRC guidelines, or shows it is open for persistent abuse may be denied access to the Ubuntu IRC Core channels. Additional Ubuntu IRC channels may choose to deny access from the same shell and network providers as the Ubuntu Core channels do.

Requirements for host/network providers

If a host or network provider is being used by users causing a problem within the Ubuntu IRC Core channels and these requirements are not present or active, a blanket ban may be placed across the Ubuntu IRC Core channels.

What to do if your host or network is banned

If you are using a host or network provider that is banned from the Ubuntu IRC Core channels it is possible to have this ban removed. The following information may help.

If you are aware of your host or network provider not meeting the requirements needed to gain access to the Ubuntu Core IRC channels, contact your host or network provider and make them aware of the problem and request they implement a change to meet the requirements.

If you are using a host or network provider that is banned from the Ubuntu Core IRC channels but you are not sure why, join the channel #ubuntu-ops on the Libera Chat network, and one of the Ubuntu Core channel operators will be able to help explain why your host or network provider is banned.

If you are using a host or network provider that is banned from the Ubuntu Core IRC channels and you cannot get them to comply or meet the needed requirements to have the ban removed you will need to change host or network provider.

If you are a host or network provider administrator and your host or network is banned, please join #ubuntu-ops or contact the Ubuntu IRC Council in order to resolve the issue and ensure compliance.

Note to Ubuntu IRC operators

If you set a ban on a shell or network provider, a detailed note in the bantracker must be placed against the ban explaining the requirements that are not met. In addition, inform the IRC Council about your action immediately.

Currently Banned Hosts/Networks



IRC/ShellPolicy (last edited 2021-09-05 20:02:13 by examknow)