Ian Lawrence

homepage: http://ianlawrence.info

e-mail: <root AT ianlawrence DOT info>

gpg id: 0xCE5602B2

irc nick: ian_brasil

I'm living in Manaus, which is a city in Amazonas, Brazil.


Back in the day I started working as a teacher. I then discovered computers and taught myself how to code in Cold Fusion. My first IT contract was at the BBC in London in 2000 and was a disaster. The masochistic side of me kept pushing me on to more contracts and then I found Free Software and Unix, and everything changed. I've been working on both ever since. I've contributed to various free software projects, and I am currently an active developer for the maemo and UME platforms. I get to speak and do interviews too sometimes.

I love 'mobile' things and I live on a floating house on the Rio Negro in Amazonas

Things that I am doing


Documentation Team


UME Guide Version and for the debs (PPA)

Mobile Team Reporting

Liferea port to mobile linux handheld devices


IanLawrence (last edited 2010-02-23 19:44:13 by 189)