
Differences between revisions 17 and 18
Revision 17 as of 2007-02-02 13:57:47
Size: 550
Editor: 124
Revision 18 as of 2007-02-02 14:30:26
Size: 550
Editor: 81-208-36-87
Comment: Formatting
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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The next IRC ops meeting will be at """Feb 15, 05:00 UTC""" in """#ubuntu-meeting""" The next IRC ops meeting will be at '''Feb 15, 05:00 UTC''' in '''#ubuntu-meeting'''

The next IRC ops meeting will be at Feb 15, 05:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting

Points to discuss:

  • Result of the IRC council vote
  • Discussion of the first draft of the following documents, Seveas will write them
  • Review of the current ops team
  • Cody Somerville - what to do next
  • Other business

IrcOperatorMeetingAgenda (last edited 2008-08-06 16:29:27 by localhost)