
Differences between revisions 5 and 6
Revision 5 as of 2006-12-20 18:11:30
Size: 693
Editor: cpe-70-122-86-77
Revision 6 as of 2006-12-20 18:12:46
Size: 981
Editor: c-71-194-189-213
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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    * Stop flexing your OP chest, it gets annoying -- nixternal [[DateTime(2006-12-20T18:12:46Z)]]
        * Flexing your OP chest is opping yourself in the channel making it known that you are an OP when someone does something that is close to kickable or bannable (bushisms, sorry).

The IRC ops meeting will be at dec. 20, 18:00 UTC

Points to discuss:

  • Operator guidelines
    • Kick/ban/abuse policy
    • "Op wars" - brought up by tonyyarusso
    • who becomes an op, and how is it done now?
  • #ubuntu-ops policy
    • Appeal process
    • Keep it private?
    • Logging?
  • Channel access policy
    • "Leads" for derivatives should have level 30
    • Who are the leads?
  • IRC Council
    • Paul has left, the vacancy needs to be filled
    • Nominations now, voting on the mailinglist
    • Transparency in meetings?
  • Bots
    • more people with control access
    • Bantracker logs public? - brought up by tonyyarusso
  • ubuntu/member/ cloaks
  • Any other issues
    • Stop flexing your OP chest, it gets annoying -- nixternal DateTime(2006-12-20T18:12:46Z)

      • Flexing your OP chest is opping yourself in the channel making it known that you are an OP when someone does something that is close to kickable or bannable (bushisms, sorry).

IrcOperatorMeetingAgenda (last edited 2008-08-06 16:29:27 by localhost)