Ubuntu Ireland and Skynet


The Ubuntu-ie LoCo Community can be seen throughout Ireland. The University of Limerick(UL) Computer Society, Skynet have very kindly offered to host an Ubuntu-ie event.

On Saturday February 27th, Skynet will host an afternoon of talks with Ubuntu in mind. This will be the first big non-Dublin event of 2010. The Main Speakers will be Matt Zimmerman of Canonical Ltd.


It will take place in the Jonathan Swift(B1-023), in the Main building in http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=52.67335&lon=-8.57013&zoom=16&layers=B000FTF at 12pm



To get to the room: If you enter in the main entrance and go "Up the curved stair on the right, past the accomodation office, through double doors, left, up the stairs to the 1 level, through the double doors, turn right, then left, then right, then left and through 2 more sets of double doors"

Directions will of course be signed from the main entrance



Bed & Breakfast (B&B)


Please use the Doodle poll here

IrishTeam/Events/February-2010-Talks (last edited 2010-02-25 19:19:37 by 193)