An Ubuntu Jam is a local event, where people meet to do something with Ubuntu. The point is to have fun, meet great people, learn something new and make Ubuntu better in a way that you like and enjoy.


The Venue

The first step is to get a venue and date arranged. In terms of a date, pick a few options in which the primary tutors and organisers can attend - if you pick a range of options, this makes it easy when deciding on a final date with the venue - you can propose a range of dates to the venue and they have some flexibility if some of the dates are unavailable.

It is recommended that you try to avoid public holidays, bank holidays, and also try to avoid times when people are likely to be busy - Easter and other religious holidays are good examples. It is also recommended that you host your Bug Jam on a weekend or evening - most people work midweek, so a weekend or an evening is a better option.

The venue for the Bug Jam can be anywhere where you can fit a bunch of geeks, allow them to plug in laptops and preferably get an internet connection. This could be a house, a university room, a pub, a library, a LUG nearby or anywhere else. In terms of sourcing a venue, speak to your local LoCo team to determine who might be able to help. The majority of venues that people tend to run jams in are typically available for free (someone works somewhere that can offer a space). If it's just a few people, you can always have the jam at your (or somebody else's home).

Make sure to ask if the following is available:

Promoting The Jam

It is also recommend you promote the event using the following methods:

Spread the word as much as you can - it helps your event and it helps Ubuntu! Smile :)

Running The Jam


Let people know

After the Jam

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Jams (last edited 2014-08-26 12:49:50 by popey)