

Michael Godawski aka Jan Quark

I am 22 years old. My first contact with Linux was some years ago with Linux Red Hat. But first I had to get to know Ubuntu to be all for it.

I dwell in the Ubuntu World for 4 months now, and I learned thousand times more than during the usage of other Operating Systems. If I learn something new I always try to pour this new gained knowledge into a tutorial or essay.

Because when there is a clear shape, the spirit can become clear too.

Special Projects - Today and Tomorrow




I've always found Janquark to be very helpful, whether it be on the IRC channel's, or on the forums. And after reading his tutorials/How-To's I'll certainly start linking to them when appropriate on the Ubuntu Forums.


When i first started using linux i had a bunch of different problems regarding media playback, graphics cards and some bad propitary hardware in my machine which would not work together with my Ubuntu 7.04.. i took a break from the linux world for a while and thought at the release of 7.10 that i would give it a try and together with janquark i got everything working including the media playback which i had some issues on. I don't think that i would have been using linux as of today if it wasn't for janquark who helped me a lot in the beginning.



Janquark (last edited 2008-08-06 17:01:12 by localhost)