
Revision 13 as of 2005-07-09 22:34:14

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Jason Cohen

I've been using Linux for about a year and a half. I began using Mandrake and then moved up to Debian which I use on my server/Mythtv (mythtv.org) system. I run Ubuntu on my Desktop and try to provide as much support as I can on #ubuntu. I've also begun providing support on the Ubuntu Forums. I have quite a lot of experience setting up MythTV systems. My box has a 1/2 TB of storage on an LVM, 2 tuners and also is used to rip/encode DVDs to xvid with dvdrip. Feel free to ask me general questions about Ubuntu, Debian, or Mythtv.

Contact Information:

Email: MailTo(jcohen07 AT SPAMFREE gmail DOT com)

AIM: jc4485

IRC: My nick is jasoncohen and you can usually find me in #ubuntu and #mythtv-users

GPG Key: 9BEC42C1

Personal Information:

Age: 20

Location: East Brunswick, New Jersey

University: Brandeis University in Waltham, MA

Academic Interests: Politics, Philosophy, Law. If you ever want to discuss the latest political or legal headlines, feel free to private message me or send me an IM. I'm always happy to debate.