
Differences between revisions 15 and 16
Revision 15 as of 2005-09-26 02:58:33
Size: 1080
Editor: dsl-202-52-55-156
Revision 16 as of 2005-10-15 12:55:31
Size: 1270
Editor: i-83-67-74-181
Comment: choosing default java version
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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In BreezyBadger, Java is available as the Blackdown {{{j2re1.4}}} and Blackdown {{{j2se1.4}}} packages in the {{{multiverse}}} repository. To tell Ubuntu to use Sun Java instead of the open source GIJ included with Breezy, run this command:
sudo update-alternatives --confi
g java
and select it from the list.

In BreezyBadg
er, Java is also available as the Blackdown {{{j2re1.4}}} and Blackdown {{{j2se1.4}}} packages in the {{{multiverse}}} repository.

Note that alot of this information is out of date, see RestrictedFormats for more recent information.

Java for i386

Sun's Java is no longer in the hoary-extras repository, and has been taken out for legal reasons. You can build your own Java package by following the instructions on JavaPackageBuildNewVersions.

Breezy Badger

To tell Ubuntu to use Sun Java instead of the open source GIJ included with Breezy, run this command:

sudo update-alternatives --config java

and select it from the list.

In BreezyBadger, Java is also available as the Blackdown j2re1.4 and Blackdown j2se1.4 packages in the multiverse repository.

Java on other Architechtures

Ubuntu PPC, please see: ["JavaPPC"]. Ubuntu AMD64, please see: ["JavaAMD64"].

Installing the JDK

If you want to install the Java compiler as well as the runtime environment, the easiest thing to do is to [ get it directly from Sun]. Take care to use the "Linux self-extracting file" version. Converting the RPM with alien will not work.

Then follow the instructions as set forth on JavaPackageBuildNewVersions to create a .deb file you can install using dpkg.

Java (last edited 2008-08-06 16:24:58 by localhost)