
Alien is no longer available via apt you have to install the package rpm and then install alien manually using dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/alien_8.53_all.deb

  • Alien is available in the repositories
  •  Which repositories? 

After installing alien manually, doing the fakeroot and installing the resultant deb, the new java does not show up in the alternatives list.

  • This might be because it is being converted from a rpm file, you may need it to add it manually.
  •  How would one go about doing this? 

The jdk is installed into /opt/ibm/java2-ppc-50

Libstdc++5 is no longer available ubuntu comes with libstdc++6. It's not possible to install libstdc++5 from apt and symlinking does not work.

  • libstdc++5 is available in the repositories
  •  Which repositories? 

It's not possible to follow these directions for the novice to semi-experienced user. Even if you follow the instructions and then stumble around with symlinks etc java still doesn't run because it NEEDS libstdc++5.

  • I suspect that you donot have the appropriate repositories enabled, please verify that you do have them enabled.
  •  Which repositories? 

If anybody has instructions or packages built of jdk for PPC then please share.

  • Debs are available on plf.
  •  Please provide a URL. PLF is mainly an X86 repository. They do not guarantee anything working on PPC. There are debs which are refered to in a mailing list but installling them via dpkg -i doesn't seem to work.  

The debs on PLF are outdated and should not be used. Revision 16 of the JavaPPC page had perfect instructions for using version 1.4.2 from IBM's website, and when Service Release 3 was current, they were appropriate for Breezy Badger. This year, IBM has released Service Releases 4, 4-1, and 5 in rapid succession, fixing tons of bugs according to the SR4 changelog. I have now downloaded SR5, and the Revision 16 instructions no longer work properly on Breezy Badger, but they do on Dapper Drake. Those same 1.4 instructions work for 1.5 on Dapper Drake. You can have both 1.4 and 1.5 installed together this way, and select between them using the update-alternatives command. You can even have Konqueror use one version and Opera another. I have not yet tested Firefox's ability to use a 1.5 installed this way, but if it's not sufficient, I will report how to do it.


JavaPPC/Talk (last edited 2008-08-06 16:26:27 by localhost)