John Ghormley

About Me

I came into the personal computing world as a hardware type. I built my first personal computer in 1978 from a Motorola 6800 microcomputer engineering evaluation kit to which I added a whooping 1K BYTES of RAM, a cassette interface for program storage, and incorporated a Teletype Model 15 as my first printer. Human interface was via a dumb terminal I built from scratch. Programming was in hexadecimal machine language.

When IBM introduced their PC, I became a contract consultant to assist clients in setting up their hardware, networks, and software. I remained in that business until 1999.

I've been interested in Linux since 1996 and installed several distros on PCs both as desktops and as servers. My first Ubuntu experience was with Ubuntu 5.04, which I downloaded and burned to a Live CD to help me repair my wife's PC at work. However, I didn't become a full time Linux user until I installed Ubuntu 8.04 on my primary desktop PC in January, 2009. Since then, I have run Ubuntu as my desktop OS of choice. I wish I had made the change earlier.

About a year later, I was introduced to Ubuntu's Local Community and started to get involved with the North Carolina Loco Team. In early 2010, I was selected as the Advocacy Lead for the NC Loco Team.

Contact Info


Community Involvement

Team Roles

Current Activity Notes


  • March
    • worked extensively on NC LoCo Approval Application wiki page

    • developed POA for rural expansion & wiki page to track progress

    • began development of a directory for NC LUGS
  • April
    • began development of a Typical Publicity Plan for use publicizing LoCo events

    • participated in NC Team Lucid Release Party in Winston-Salem on April 29, 2010
    • Began to identify LUG activity in NC and become involved in it.
  • May
    • Offered Team assistance to CharLUG for Installfest activity in planning stages for approx June date


None to date.


JohnGhormley (last edited 2010-07-21 00:14:20 by cpe-071-076-150-029)