
Revision 1 as of 2007-01-06 01:50:15

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Hi, I'm not an advanced programmer but I like to help with suggestions and any bugs I come across. I like programming in Gambas. Yes, it's a basic language but I feel that it that it suits my needs as someone who likes to program simple programs quickly. People have different ways they like to program and that is mine. I have written a small program in Gambas that allows people to watch online TV on their Linux desktop. That program is called Steeky TV. I also recently purchased and am looking for ways to implement a site aimed at organising and showing how people are helping to spread Linux. It's going to be a site that encourages people to do things that will help spread Linux, like printing cd's, selling linux-ready pc's or just showing it off to people. It's a site that aims to encourage people and report on what various people around the world are doing to spread Linux.