Attachment 'ripd.conf'
Downloadhostname RIP log file /var/log/quagga/ripd.log log monitor log stdout log syslog password Quagga enable password Quagga key chain Quagga key 0 key-string Quagga router rip allow-ecmp !1 network eth0 !1 passive-interface lo network lo redistribute bgp # redistribute connected # redistribute babel # redistribute isis # redistribute kernel # redistribute ospf # redistribute static !2 interface eth0 ip rip authentication key-chain Quagga ip rip authentication mode md5 auth-length rfc ip rip receive version 1 2 ip rip send version 1 2 ip rip split-horizon poisoned-reverse !2 interface lo ip rip receive version 1 2 ip rip send version 1 2 no ip rip split-horizon
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