Internet Site:

Launchpad: jonathan-ferguson

Linkedin: Jonathan Ferguson

My Intellectual Property:
IconsPage/iconCircleSmall.png Ethernet Interconnections
IconsPage/iconCircleSmall.png Musings
IconsPage/terminal.png ./Quick-Quagga
IconsPage/terminal.png ./Quick-Quagga-802.11-Interfaces

My Writeups:
IconsPage/iconCircleSmall.png Bird Internet Routing Daemon
IconsPage/iconCircleSmall.png Network Time Protocol
IconsPage/iconCircleSmall.png Quagga Routing Software Suite
IconsPage/iconCircleSmall.png Router Advertisement Daemon

Useful Commands:
Network Interface bit rate testing using a server and client hierarchy — if the Interface speeds of the End Systems are not equal, do not source UDP from the faster transmit-capable End System.
iperf3 -s
iperf3 -b 0 -f m -l 0 -M 9216 -N -O 0 -P 1 -t 300 -V -w 0 -Z --get-server-output --no-fq-socket-pacing -c <destination address> [-B <source address>] [-Ru]
Run a shell script on a particular CPU
taskset -c <CPU n-1> ./shell-script
Run a shell script with Real Time scheduling
sudo chrt [-f | -r] <1-99> sudo -u $USER ./shell-script
Create a backup of a disk
sudo fdisk -l | grep "Disk /dev/"
sudo dd if=<Disk> | lzma --best > ./backup
Restore a backup to a disk
sudo fdisk -l | grep "Disk /dev/"
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=<Disk>; unlzma ./backup -c | sudo dd of=<Disk>

Useful Daemons:
Domain Name System
sudo apt-get -y install bind9 && ( sudo sed -i 's/RESOLVCONF=no/RESOLVCONF=yes/' /etc/default/bind9 2> /dev/null || sudo sed -i 's/RESOLVCONF=no/RESOLVCONF=yes/' /etc/default/named ) && echo -e "zone dn42 IN { type forward; forward only; forwarders { fd42:d42:d42:54::1; fd42:d42:d42:53::1;;; }; };" | sudo tee -a /etc/bind/named.conf.local && sudo named-checkconf /etc/bind/named.conf.local  && ( sudo /etc/init.d/bind9 restart 2> /dev/null || sudo /etc/init.d/named restart )
File Transfer Protocol
sudo add-apt-repository -uy universe &> /dev/null; sudo apt-get -y install pure-ftpd
Hypertext Transfer Protocol
sudo apt-get -y install software-properties-common && sudo add-apt-repository -uy ppa:unit193/cherokee && sudo apt-get -y install cherokee cherokee-admin
IEEE 802.1AB Link Layer Discovery Protocol
sudo apt-get -y install lldpd && echo -e "DAEMON_ARGS=\"-l -L /usr/sbin/lldpcli -x\"" | sudo tee -a /etc/default/lldpd && sudo systemctl restart lldpd.service && sudo lldpcli update
echo "watch" | sudo lldpcli 1> /dev/null
Secure Shell
sudo apt-get -y install ssh

Useful Programmes:
Concurrent Shells
sudo apt-get -y install byobu
Network Interface Utilisation
sudo add-apt-repository -uy universe &> /dev/null; sudo apt-get -y install ethstats

Jonathan Ferguson, Ubuntu Wiki,