

2009-07-26 23:00:07

* I propose also to include a new version of KOSD ( It has better look, than OSD version avaiable in Jaunty. Just one thing that doesn't fit for me in this app: icon which corresponds with brightness changing (in ubuntu is nice icon - some sort of bulb or sun).

* Me again. My netbook is not near and haven't had the time to bring it back home, but i'm testing in virtualbox. I like how it's looking. I found openoffice is being integrated with kde4, i hope to see it in this version. I mentioned some days ago about qt3 apps using qtcurve. I compiled the latest version in karmic and it looks good. I think the netbook edition should use the kwin option of maximized windows instead of inteligent position (excluding plasma and some programs notifications). I dind't liked the font size of the konsole, too small... as I said I'm testing in virtualbox, not the netbook, I hope it looks better there. Arora 0.8 (upgraded from kpackagekit) now works. I don't like the way dolphin icon, quick view plasmoid, arora and kopete icons look in the panel. I wish almost all the icons in apps->system gets in system settings: kuser, kpackagekit,kwallemanager, and krandrtray. Low HD space notification would be better if it had an access to cleaning the apt cache and if this action could be accesible from kpackagekit, also an access to cleaning browsers cache. kpackagekit still blocks some upgrades, at least it should tell why blocking. @Daniel Velasco@

* And again... finally i'm testing the netbook image in an Aspire One. I had more trouble than in virtualbox. Network Management Applet and Knetworkmanager for KDE3 and KDE4 is broken. I installed WICD and I can connect by wireless. Didn't tested with gnome applet manager. Fonts are almost ok and very readable, but qt3 fonts and gtk fonts (while using gtk2 QtCurve style) are too big. I adjusted qt3 fonts with qt3-qtconfig to match kde4 system settings. I compiled qtcurve for kde3 and tested it, working right ( Had to select the style in qt3-qtconfig. I wanted to sync with google calendar, but couldn't as option is not there. This koala is looking great @Daniel Velasco@

* Last Kubuntu I tried was Hardy and I found it unusable. Karmic has been a pleasure to use - amazingly stable for an alpha(3)! In fact, just about everything worked well, but unfortuately my printer will only print blank pages, whereas it worked fine in all previous kubuntus. (I submitted a bug here ). With no printer, I can't use karmic.

A few other issues... kmenuedit's app keyboard shortcuts would not work... again. I found a workaround which I posted to this bug (which is several months old) I do not feel that the maintainers of kmenuedit have been doing a good job - I have had this problem in one form or another since KDE4.0. I think a different person needs to be put in charge of that program, especially as it is central to the user's experience of KDE/Kubuntu. The new interface is poorly designed (horrible to use), so I used the classic view - at least that was there.

Dolphin has come a long way - actually usable now, but I still used Krusader.

OpenOffice would display no icons on the toolbar (which made it look horrible) until I installed openoffice-style-crystal.

Kaffeine still won't play some DVDs - won't make it to the menu. I didn't bother to report a bug because it's clear that DVD support in Kubuntu is not being handled properly, after years of continuous dysfunctionality. Mplayer also would not play a DVD until I added a link for subfont.ttf. Then it reported "MV" errors continuously. IOW, business as usual.

I hate the countdown timer when shutting down/restarting. What is this, Windows anyway? Just do it! Or at least tell me how to turn it off.

All in all, I'm impressed by karmic (and I had nearly given up on KDE when I saw the KDE4 implementation in hardy). Just wish I could use it. @IgnorantGuru@

* Installing the server image takes a lot more time and effort. The installer asks a lot of questions. And it does not ask them at the beginning but every couple of minutes, so that you cannot do anything else while installing. -- nhnb 2009-08-14 11:29:44


KarmicKoala/Alpha3/Kubuntu/Feedback (last edited 2009-08-14 11:29:44 by hisproxy)