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Revision 38 as of 2006-11-14 07:57:11
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Revision 39 as of 2006-11-14 08:07:34
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Editor: 62
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Please find more information about people in your region at KenyanTeam/Members. Please find more information about people in your region at [http:// Members Page].


This is the wiki page of the Kenya Local Community Team. We aim to provide free community support to users of the various flavours of Ubuntu Linux as well as advocating the use of Ubuntu by schools, individuals and organisations alike.

Who is this group for?

This group is for anyone in Kenya who uses or is interested in some flavour of Ubuntu, whether it's Ubuntu, Kubuntu Xubuntu or any others. This group is for people of all technical abilities from I've-never-heard-of-linux all the way to I'm-an-Ubuntu-Master.


  • To provide consultancy and tutor services to new users
  • To distributing Ubuntu CDs to businesses, schools, institutions, organisations and individuals.
  • To develop an Ubuntu identity
  • To develop a local community developer.
  • To advocate free and open source solutions (FOSS) as alternatives where they exist.

How do I join?

There is no official process to join the team, just sign up to our [ mailing list] or come and chat in our Internet Relay Chatroom (IRC) #ubuntu-ke (it's on Just drop by and say habari.

Regional Teams

Please find more information about people in your region at [http:// Members Page].


Our national meetings are usually held on-line via IRC (channel:#ubuntu-ke). Regular face-to-face meetings are planned, however, as yet, only the Nairobi Team hold regular meetings. Please see the Nairobi Team page for more details, or contact RonaldOdero.

How Ubuntu-ke Can Help You

Are you stuck with something? Can't find the answer? Just send an email to the mailing list, or join us in our IRC channel and we'll do our best to help out. If your problem needs to be solved in person, a volunteer will gladly offer to help.

How You Can Help Ubuntu-ke

By joining the team! Merely joining and participating would be help enough. BRIf you fancy pitching in, there are a number of projects under way that could use help. RonaldOdero has been helping a couple of NGOs to equip rural schools with computers. The aim is to furnish these computers with the Edubuntu operating system and software suite. If you have any old PC hardware lying around the home or office, please contact RonaldOdero. If you have any projects that fit n with our aims, and you'd like us to implement them, please let us know and we'll gladly help.


This is a list of proposed projects that were discussed in the last meeting. Please note that it is not a guarantee that the pending ones will get started.






Visit school in Maasai mureish

Missionary primary school needs Edubuntu

install Edubuntu


Christopher Masese

St.Christopher Academy

Primary school needs Ubuntu and Edubuntu workstations networked

Conduct feasibility study and recommend



Good Shepherd preparatory school

Ubuntu and Edubuntu

Install and guide the staff and pupils on ubuntu and Edubuntu in their new computer lab


RonaldOdero and Duncan Apiyo

Western Kenya and Kisumu team

Country wide outreach programme

Meet with them to discuss possible undertakings


Allan Odero and DavidScannell

Paul Geuzebroek

NGO consultant to jet in the country in November

Find out how we can help him implement Ubuntu in all NGOs


none yet

University of Nairobi

Perform a demo on installation and configuration at School of Journalism

Date set for November 10



University of Nairobi

Show the Go Open DVD by the Shuttleworth Foundation

screen episode "will blogging replace journalism?"



(thanks to the UKTeam for the format and some of the copy used in this page)