At the April 2009 kernel team sprint in Lexington, it was decided that the Canonical Kernel Team will now hold bug days twice a month. This is a day for community members and developers to come together and work on a specific set of bugs. Working together allows us to share knowledge and give some much needed assistance to the Ubuntu Developers. It's a great opportunity to give back and get involved! The goal is to start a consolidated effort to address the number of open kernel bugs. Please refer to the associated bug day wiki's, linked under each section, for more detailed information regarding each bug day.

Please join us Tuesday in the #ubuntu-kernel IRC channel on FreeNode as we tackle this list of bugs together.

Current Bug Day (Tues March 9, 2010)

Kernel BugList Regression tagged bugs by importance:


Tues 22 Dec, 2009

Kernel Bugs with Patches


Tues 08 Dec, 2009

Kernel Bugs with Patches


Tues 29 Sept, 2009

New Kernel Bugs


Tues 15 Sept, 2009

Kernel Oops/Panic


Tues 01 Sept, 2009

Incomplete with a response


Tues 18 August, 2009

Suspend Resume Bugs


Tues 04 August, 2009

Tues 21 July, 2009

Weekly Kernel Bug List Backlog


Tues 07 July, 2009

Wifi Bugs


Tues June 23, 2009

Bugs with an Open Upstream Bug Watch (Old Incomplete bugs also included)


Tues June 09, 2009

Bugs with a Resolved Upstream Bug Watch (Old Incomplete bugs also included)


Tues May 26, 2009

Bug day canceled, attending UDS Karmic.

Tues May 12, 2009

Bugs with a High Importance (Old Incomplete bugs also included)


Tues April 28, 2009

Bugs with Patches (Old Incomplete bugs also included)


KernelTeam/BugDay (last edited 2010-03-09 16:19:26 by adsl-157-117-75)