Canonical Kernel Team Bug Day
The focus of today's bug day will be the backlog of open bugs from the weekly kernel bug list. Each developer has a list of bugs to focus on. The goal is to make sure each of the bugs are up to date and on their way to getting Fixed!
There is also a community section for anyone else wanting to help out. The community section is composed of recently reported bugs. The goal is to verify the appropriate debug files are attached and if possible ensure the issue has been confirmed against the latest mainline kernel build. See the Ubuntu Kernel Team's bug policies for more information. Feel free to drop into the #ubuntu-kernel IRC channel on FreeNode if you have any questions.
Developer Sections: Open Bugs
- Each of the bugs should for the most part be up to date and contain the necessary log files to begin debugging. If any additional information or testing is needed, post a comment and set the bug to Incomplete.
- If you decide to work on a bug, remember to set the status to "In Progress" and assign the bug to yourself.
Community Section: New Bugs
- Check that the bug has at least been confirmed against the Jaunty release.
- If not, ask them to test Jaunty (see Stock Reply)
- Set the status to Incomplete
- If not, ask them to test Jaunty (see Stock Reply)
- Check if it would be beneficial for the bug to be tested with the latest Karmic Alpha kernel and/or ideally also tested with the upstream mainline kernel (ie. is it possible the bug is fixed with the newer 2.6.31-rc# kernel)
- If yes, ask them to test Karmic Alpha release and/or the upstream mainline kernel (see Stock Reply)
- Set status to Incomplete
- Tag the bug "needs-upstream-testing" if the reporter was asked to test the upstream mainline kernel
- If yes, ask them to test Karmic Alpha release and/or the upstream mainline kernel (see Stock Reply)
- If confirmed against Karmic and appropriate debug files have been attached:
- Set status to Confirmed and set the bug's Importance
- If the upstream mainline kernel was tested:
- Set Status to Triaged and set the bug's Importance.
- Remove "needs-upstream-testing" tag if present.
- It would also be good to have them open an upstream bug report at bugzilla.kernel.org if necessary (see Stock Reply)
Here are references to some useful tools that may help you more efficiently process the list of bugs.
This is a collection of greasemonkey scripts which Launchpad users and Ubuntu developers have found useful. For the purpose of Bug Day's, the stockreplies gm-script will be the most useful. The stockreplies script allows you to save custom comments to insert into bug reports and additionally set the status and importance of a bug at the same time.
The launchpadlib library depends on wadllib, another open-source library released by the Launchpad team. Get a copy of the launchpadlib and wadllib source with bzr and install it.
$ bzr branch lp:wadllib $ cd wadllib $ sudo ./setup.py install
Then do the same for launchpadlib.
$ bzr branch lp:launchpadlib $ cd launchpadlib $ sudo ./setup.py install
After installation you can write custom scripts to manipulate bug reports. This is useful for dealing with a list of bugs which all require the same type of actions/comment. For example, here is a stock-reply.py script which reads a list of bugs from a "stock.txt" file, posts a standard comment to each bug, transitions the status to Incomplete, and subscribes oneself to the bug report. It's quicker to use a launchpadlib script for this rather than having to do a page load per bug in order to use the greasemonkey stockreplies.
Stock Replies
Here's some common stock replies that may apply to some of the bugs. Feel free to modify or combine stock replies below to best fit each bug:
Test Jaunty
Unfortunately it seems this bug is still an issue. Can you confirm this issue exists with the most recent Jaunty Jackalope 9.04 release - http://www.ubuntu.com/news/ubuntu-9.04-desktop . Please let us know your results. If the issue remains while still running Jaunty, please run the following command which will automatically gather and attach updated debug information: apport-collect -p linux-image-2.6.28-11-generic <bug #> Thanks in advance.
- Set status to Incomplete
Test Karmic
Unfortunately it seems this bug is still an issue. Can you confirm this issue exists with the Karmic Alpha 9.10 release. Images for testing are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ . Please let us know your results. If the issue remains while still running Karmic, please run the following command which will automatically gather and attach updated debug information: apport-collect -p linux <bug #> Thanks in advance.
- Set status to Incomplete
Test Upstream Mainline Kernel
If you can, please also test the latest upstream kernel available. It will allow additional upstream developers to examine this issue. Refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelMainlineBuilds . Once you've tested the upstream kernel, please remove the 'needs-upstream-testing' tag. This can be done by clicking on the yellow pencil icon next to the tag located at the bottom of the bug description and deleting the 'needs-upstream-testing' text. Please let us know your results. Thanks.
- Set status to Incomplete
- Tag "needs-upstream-testing"
Report Bug Upstream
Since this bug has been confirmed with the upstream kernel, it would be great to first see if this bug has been reported upstream as well. Please search http://bugzilla.kernel.org and post a comment here noting the upstream bug if you find it. If this has not been reported upstream, please feel free to file the upstream bug report yourself. It will allow additional upstream developers to examine this issue. If you do file the bug upstream, please be sure to provide the same information and debug files to the upstream bug that were provided here. Thanks.
Bug List
Please refer to the following for the list of bugs to focus on for this bug day:
KernelTeam/BugDay/20090721 (last edited 2009-07-16 23:44:19 by c-76-105-148-120)