Revision 2 as of 2014-04-15 10:31:28

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2014 Seminar & Parties log

January, 2014

  • Page : http://ubuntu-kr.org/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=25698

  • Date : 25, Jan, 2014
  • 1st class : Greentings 2014 / drake_kr
  • 2nd class : Foundation Circle Story / Sanghyun Yang
  • 3rd class : This is the one of New York Developer / Eugene Lee
  • 4th class : Zeroboot Story / FALinux

February, 2014

  • Page : http://ubuntu-kr.org/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=25770

  • Date : 22, Feb, 2014
  • 1st class : PHP and Android Based Login Implementation / Dongho Kang
  • 2nd class : Python Trip with Raven - Theory / Raven
  • 3rd class : Python Trip with Raven - Implement / Raven
  • 4th class : Database Management Tool, Tadpole / Hyunjong Cho
  • "Python Trip" is changed to "Program for All"

March, 2014