
Revision 19 as of 2009-04-19 23:23:48

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  • Add your feedback like this w/o the bold, and then use the @SIG@ at the end of your line, look at the first post for reference

  • All serious issues should be still submitted as bugs!


  • Post known issues here


  • Though I don't use kde 3.5 anymore I think it's important to keep it as an option to give people a choice. Thank you for that! ANDREA54
  • I do not use KDE 4 yet since in my opinion lacks some features I want. The idea of being able to use KDE3 with the latest updates that Jaunty has to offer is very appealing and useful, thanks! LINUXFEVER
  • KDE 3 on Ibex is well. But in Jaunty and more I would like see more effort in KDE 4 for bring it to a very stable and fast release. On a good base and full manpower the feature-lacks will disappear soon. My mentality is: "Always forward, never back ..." --scholli
  • I agree and I do not want to see more effort in the KDE 3, for me it's perfect the way it is now. I just want to be able to have KDE 3 if I choose to and use the updated packages that come with the newer distro (eg the kernel etc...). LINUXFEVER
  • I thought this was a joke at first. I hope this doesn't lead to a lot of accidental installation of KDE3 apps. Please tell me this is using a separate repository. -- Lunarcloud
  • Yes, this uses a separate repository, Lunacloud. I did a fresh install of the Jaunty Beta and added KDE3 to the top of it. It's not perfect but definitely usable. The main problems I encountered were that you can't "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm-kde3 stop" so I just did a console login to build my NVIDIA blob driver. Other than that, KMix settings seems to pop up on every login(annoying, but minor). Other than that, I chuckled when trying to log into KDE4 now, it just fades to black and all I can see is the mouse. I'm not sure if these occur in the LiveCD too or not, but this has been my experience when installing it on top of the Jaunty Beta on my box. Otherwise, it's been great so far. I can actually get work done until KDE4 is MUCH MORE feature rich. I can say that I did like the addition of KPackagekit in the standard Jaunty Beta since it's very similar to Adept and my Adept wont let me modify my repos for some reason. -- red_team316

It is very nice to have the option of KDE 3 in Jaunty. There is one thing that bugged me about KDE3 in Hardy, however.

  • If you had a flash drive or CD in the computer when you started KDE3 they would not appear mounted on the desktop. If, then, you opened them in Storage Media, any and all mounted mediums would THEN appear on the desktop. This doesn't happen in Gnome for it shows my flash drive and any mounted CDs on the desktop when I log in. If this is still a problem on KDE3 in Jaunty can you please tweak it?

In any event I will make sure to grab my KDE3 version of Jaunty when it is released. --blue

  • @blue - Have you made sure that you have this option enabled? Go to kcontrol->Desktop->Behaviour->Device Icons Tab and click to check the "Unmounted" things that you want to appear on the desktop. --linuxfever

  • This doesn't feel like the right way to make comments... I can edit what other people have said! (I didn't, and don't want to) Sorry, I couldn't figure out another way to give feedback.
  • I'm curious about going from this version to KUbuntu 9.10LTS when it comes out. Will I be able to upgrade from KUbuntu 8.04 64bit to this KDE 3 Jaunty, and then to KUbuntu 9.10, without any problems? Will there still be a KDE 3 for 9.10? --BryanFRitt

Thank you!! This is a great idea and very welcome. While I like the underlying changes in KDE4, I dislike plasma and the inability to configure my desktop to act and look like KDE3. I fear that KDE4 is going the way of GNOME with the removal of many configuration options I've learned to love over the years while using KDE. llavern

* Well, it's always nice to have KDE3 available. However, for me this is coming too late. I suffered badly from having to use KDE4.1 on Intrepid through all the tough time. (My problem was that I needed the 2.6.27 kernel to run my hardware, so hardy/KDE3 was not an option.) I was one of the many users crying for KDE3 on Intrepid, but we were all told that this was impossible due to a lack of manpower. Now that KDE4.2.2 is running well and we are up and running, the option is suddenly available. It kind of hurts. I won't forget the KDE4.1 pain too soon. --hasi

  • Downloads do not work anymore due to exceeded server bandwith -- rfh 2009-04-14 20:25:27

  • Downloads are back up -- kb9vqf 2009-04-19 23:22:39