
Learn more about current and future Kubuntu users to allow for directed marketing and usability efforts. The idea is to have a stock of users who are willing to participate in different methods of gaining user data over and over again.

From a marketing perspective, the goals of user profiling are

From a usability point of view, goals are to


Marketing and usability efforts need detailed knowledge about the target user base of a software.


Apart from the current user base, Kubuntu aims to be a suitable desktop for the following user groups:

The major focus is set on smart, non-technical users, people unlikely to accept bugs.

Special interest:

First Step: Survey Framework

OpenUsability offers a survey framework that can be used for an initial survey. It needs to be complemented by a database and queries that help to manage the follow-up surveys:

Second Step: Initial Survey

The initial survey serves the goal to form groups of target users by means of cluster analysis. The users will be asked basic questions regarding demographic data, educational background, job, computer experience, computer usage in different areas. They will be asked if they are willing to perform in follow-up studies.

To reach the target user base we will probe the "Snowball"-approach: Members of the community are asked to forward the survey link to two or three non-technical peers (along certain profiles).

If this approach does not deliver a sufficient amount of volunteers, advertisements in papers and magazines - possibly offering incentives (lottery, prize) - can be probed.

Third Step: Follow-up Surveys

For specific questions, follow-up studies can be performed with representatives of different user groups. One example is a better information architecture for the Kubuntu system settings with OpenUsability's cardsorting tool.

CategorySpec CategoryKubuntu