
Differences between revisions 8 and 9
Revision 8 as of 2010-02-23 11:34:31
Size: 3748
Editor: host-84-9-233-18
Revision 9 as of 2010-09-13 04:06:01
Size: 3751
Editor: 93-32-239-113
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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./edit_acl.py -P kubuntu -S lucid query ./edit_acl.py -P kubuntu -S maverick query

Join us in the #kubuntu chat room for support or the #kubuntu-devel chat room for development

Kubuntu Developers

  • are members of the kubuntu-dev team in Launchpad

  • are collectively responsible for the maintenance of packages in the Kubuntu package set
  • have a strong working knowledge of packaging concepts and techniques, refined through experience
  • have a strong working knowledge of Ubuntu and Kubuntu project procedures, especially those related to the release process and support commitments, and an understanding of the reasons why they exist
  • are able to apply this knowledge to the variety of packages and subsystems contained in the Kubuntu package set
  • have a history of substantial direct contributions to the distribution
  • take a leading role in new development projects to improve Kubuntu
  • specify, develop and deploy new features for the default installation of Kubuntu
  • exercise great care in their work, with the understanding that their efforts have a direct impact on others, including:
    • every Kubuntu user
    • the Ubuntu release team
    • corporate partners who provide support for Kubuntu
  • feel a sense of personal responsibility for the quality of Kubuntu releases and for the satisfaction of Kubuntu users
  • understand how Kubuntu integrates into the greater Ubuntu system and respects and concerns themselves with impacts of Kubuntu changes on the rest of the system

Applying for kubuntu-dev membership

To join the kubuntu-dev team, the Kubuntu Developers need to review your application first.

  • You MUST be a Kubuntu Member member first.

  • Set up a personal wiki page for your application. Please make use of UbuntuDevelopment/DeveloperApplicationTemplate.

  • Talk to your sponsors beforehand and ask them to add some information to the wiki page. In a regular application, you will have 3-5 sponsors.

  • Once your application is ready, send an email indicating your readiness to apply and linking your wiki page to kubuntu-devel list. A member of kubuntu-dev will contact your and pick a meeting time you'll be able to attend (kubuntu-dev does not generally hold meetings, except to approve new members so they are not routinely scheduled). Applications may be processed via email if necessary to get sufficient review.

  • Attend the meeting.

All members of the development community are welcome to attend and ask questions, add your feedback (even if unsolicited) to the wiki page in question or ask questions on the kubuntu-devel list.

The Kubuntu Developers will have prepared for the meeting (reviewed the application details, checked a few examples of your work, talked to sponsors, etc.) and ask questions to make sure the applicant qualifies for the team. During the meeting the Kubuntu Developers will cast their votes and if quorum is reached (majority of those present and at least 3), will add the applicant to the team or ask to re-apply in due time.

Benefits of membership

  • Able to upload Kubuntu packages
  • Lots of hard work
  • A key voice in defining the technical direction of Kubuntu

List of Packages

bzr co lp:ubuntu-archive-tools ./edit_acl.py -P kubuntu -S maverick query

Kubuntu/KubuntuDevelopers (last edited 2014-05-08 09:08:23 by 178-191-0-83)