
Revision 51 as of 2007-10-28 19:15:08

Clear message


Kubuntu currently ships with a variety of applications in which suit the average user. We do realize that this doesn't suit everyone, even the newest of users who are looking for that one particular package that they do not know is available. Because Kubuntu currently doesn't have any extra space located on the CDs, we have come up with the next best thing and that will be a "Kubuntu Extras Document" which will be located in the system documentation starting with the 8.04 (Hardy Heron) release as well as the community documentation wiki.

So, if you have some applications that you use with your Kubuntu system, please add them to the growing list below. If someone has already added your application, then second the application by adding a checkmark (./) by typing a (./) next to the application listed. Thank you!

Comment: could we also have a mark (.\) for votes against it please? - MyriamSchweingruber

Suggestion List - To be included

  • aMule
  • aMSN
  • BasKet (./) (./)

  • Dictionary (KDict) (./) (./)

  • Filelight
  • Firefox (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)

  • Gimp (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)

  • Glipper
  • GnuCash (./) (./)

  • Googlizer
  • Inkscape (./) (./) (./) (./)

  • K3B (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)

  • K9Copy

  • Katapult (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)

  • KCalc (./) (./)

  • KCHMViewer (./) (./)

  • kdesvn
  • Kdiskfree (./)

  • KFTPGrabber (./) (./) (./) (./)

  • KGet (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)

  • KGpg (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)

  • Kile (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)

  • Kmplayer
  • KMyMoney2 (./) (./) (./)

  • KNemo (./) (./) (./)

  • KNetLoad
  • KOffice (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)

  • KolourPaint (./) (./)

  • Konq-Kim (./) (./) (./)

  • kpowersave
  • KRename (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)

  • krusader (./) (./)

  • KSudoku (./) (./)

  • Ktorrent (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)

  • Opera (./) (./) I vote against that, it's proprietary and could only be integrated in the restricted repository. MyriamSchweingruber

  • Pidgin (./) (./) (./)

  • Pdftk
  • pwManager
  • QtParted (./)

  • SMPlayer (./) (./)

  • Streamtuner
  • Superkaramba (./)

  • VLC player (./) (./) (./)

  • Wengophone
  • Wine (./) (./) (./)

  • Yakuake (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./) (./)

Suggestion List - To be removed

  • D3lphin - oh come on, this is great, you don't have to use it if you don't like it, but removing something the Kubuntu team (and the KDE folks) has voted for is silly. MyriamSchweingruber