
Create packages in the spirit of dovecot-postfix that integrate services with a predefined LDAP structure. Also make packages that make the installation of a LDAP server with this predefined structure as simple as "apt-get install ubuntu-server-ldap"


The idea of having a single user database for multiple services on a server is very common. The most used solution to this problem is famous : LDAP. Unfortunatly, LDAP is also very complex to setup by itself and you have to dig into every single application to make them communicate with your LDAP.

The idea of packages that make life of administrator easier is a gorgeous achievement. The first one being dovecot-postfix. Now, you only have to apt-get install a package where before you had to through a hundred of bookmarked howtos.

It makes sense to do the same for ldap integration. Possible packages include postfix-ldap, dovecot-ldap, ejabberd-ldap, apache2-ldap, trac-ldap, ...

Use Cases


This if spec if not intended to be a default installation. The goal of this spec is to define a given usecase that people can simply install on their server. People wanting for flexibility would have to uninstall the *-ldap packages and do their configuration accordingly.

Design Goals


Proposed package layout procedure

Outstanding Issues

BoF agenda and discussion


Please feel free to discuss this spec on the Ubuntu -devel mailing list or at /talk


LdapIntegrationSpec (last edited 2009-04-22 09:17:35 by mail)