
Links :

I'm from Belgium, born on 9th of march 1981 and former president of LouvainLiNux, a belgian LUG. Everybody call me "Ploum" online. Sometimes even in real life, so please use this nickname Wink ;-)

I'm an OpenSource Evangelist that like to write (in french, mostly), to talk in front of a large crowd an to travel. I'm the founder and administrator of Jabber server (more than 4000 accounts) and the writer of an Ubuntu french book. I studied Engineering at UCL in Belgium and I'm working as a research engineer.

My favourites projects in the FLOSS world are Ubuntu (of course), Debian, GNOME, GStreamer and Jabber. You've maybe seen me in the following communities : Ubuntu, Ubuntu-fr, Ubuntu-be, gnomefr, jabberfr, LouvainLiNux, Andesi,...

Besides OpenSource, my interests in life are Space & Astronomy, Technology, Martial Arts, Sports, Literature and Travels around the world.

What have I done in the OpenSource world ?

(it won't be of any interest to you. I just want to keep tracks of what I did )

As from January 2008, I'm not a Ubuntu member anymore and I spend as less time as possible in front of my computer. I'm still a heavy Ubuntu enthousiast and I still do conferences from time to time. Please do not contact me anymore for technical stuffs.

2007 :

2006 :

  • On Novembre 14, I gave a conference at Louvain-la-Neuve, introducing more than 70 people to Ubuntu, Linux and Free Softwares. This was a Louvain-Li-Nux event.
  • The second edition of my Ubuntu book is available ! Lot of new goodness including a CC licensed chapter about the command line (see the announce on my blog for more informations).

  • As a Summer Of Code, I did the Conseil software wich is an hard client interface against launchpad. Shame on me, it is not yet finished. It can read bugs but not modify them. I think I will not work on it before launchpad as true XML-RPC support.

  • Bugs reporting and triaging in both Gnome and Ubuntu Bugzilla.
  • Working on specifications for Dapper
  • I wrote an article for 6.06 LTS release (french translation)

  • My book about Ubuntu is published, in french, at Eyrolles Editions. See my blog for more informations. It was a commerical success according to the editor.

  • I was the official interviewer for FOSDEM. Interviews were published on the FOSDEM website.
  • I've launched Ubuntu-be, the BelgianTeam at FOSDEM, making a little speech. Ubuntu-be is now rocking thanks to a lof of very talented people, speaking a mix of both languages of our lovely country.

  • My LUG and I organized an install party. Only 30 installation this time but it was still Breezy.
  • I've launched the Open Discussion Day which was a success

  • I did the official sabdfl hackergotchi ! Not kidding, that's my greatest contribution so far.

2005 :

  • I wrote an article in french for the hoary release and for breezy release.

  • I have worked a lot in the Wiki to improve specs
  • I've done some french translations in Rosetta
  • I organized a big Breezy install party with my lug : nearly 100 successful installations
  • I gave a talk about Ubuntu at my University
  • I was doing bugs reporting and triaging in both Gnome and Ubuntu Bugzilla, then Launchpad Wink ;-)

  • I've been working on a french book about Ubuntu for Eyrolles Editions

2004 :

  • In July, Sébastien Bacher (seb128), invited me as an Ubuntu beta tester. I wrote a long review of the Warty-beta. The only "souvenir" : (look for "ploum")

  • For Warty, I wrote the first Ubuntu FAQ in french (there was no french ubuntu website at this time). This FAQ was used as one of the first documentation of and was widely consulted. I also wrote an article for Warty release.

  • I also wrote an howto about installing Warty on a very old laptop : . (I receive a lot of email about this page and helped some people to have sound on their Compaq )

  • I wrote a big documentation about using GNOME 2.6 and Spatial Nautilus (in french)
  • I was doing bugs reporting and triaging in both Gnome and Ubuntu Bugzilla.

2003 and before :

  • I wrote a long text called The Perfect Desktop. It was a long list of recommandations to make Debian+Gnome the perfect desktop. Just what Ubuntu did !

  • I was at this time a member of the french debian community. (reporting bugs, writing documentation and helping newbies on )

  • I was for a few months responsible of the french translation of TheOpenCD.
  • I was the webmaster, for more than a year of "La Grenouille Bleue", a website that was promoting free software under Windows
  • I did a speech at Cachan about the use of OpenOffice. I also published an how-to about installing OpenOffice in an professionnal environment.

Related pages for Ploum :

Related pages for me :


LionelDricot (last edited 2008-08-06 16:16:47 by localhost)