
Revision 2 as of 2005-10-13 18:54:17

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Gábor Lénárt alias LGB

Email: MailTo(lgb AT SPAMFREE lgb DOT hu)

LGB is my nick name, if you can't figure out yet, even if you know some [http://blog.lgb.hu/page24 other meaning] of this "abbreviation". If you need further info, visit my pages and sorry for my quite [http://blog.lgb.hu/page22 poor English]. Since you're browsing an Ubuntu oriented wiki, you may want to find some Ubuntu related information. What can I say? I've done some suggestions on Hungarian translation at [http://launchpad.net/ Launchpad]. Anyway I've done some work in the Linux/UNIX world as well in general, if it counts (like [http://mplayerhq.hu/ MPlayer] or [http://blog.lgb.hu/page50 DOSRUN] and several not-free projects done in my worktime).

[http://lgb.hu/ My web pages]
