
Revision 6 as of 2010-01-18 21:50:12

Clear message


The LoCo Council has been tasked with identifying Approved LoCo teams which were approved over 2 years ago and thus are due for re-approval.The criteria for re approval is the same as for approval which is outlined https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoGettingApproved and the LoCo council guidelines can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/TeamApprovalGuidelines .

It should be noted that from the day your LoCo is approved, you should continue to document all events and history of your LoCo for this re approval process to make it clear and visible to all.

Re approval Process

The following process is used when identifying and then qualifying a LoCo team for re-approval.

  • The LoCo Council identifies teams which have been approved for more than 2 years, on the LoCo directory

  • A member of the LoCo Council is selected to be the point of contact with the LoCo team for re-approval

  • The LoCo Council point of contact will attempt to contact the LoCo team which is up for re-approval

    • The LoCo Council will attempt to contact the LoCo team a reasonable number of times (3) over a reasonable period (1 month)

    • If the LoCo Council receives no response from the LoCo team then the LoCo team will be unapproved

  • The LoCo Council will request that member(s) of the LoCo team attend the next (or another convenient) LoCo Council meeting

  • During the meeting the LoCo Council will go through the same approval process for re-approvals as they do for LoCo team approvals.

Re approval List

This is a _provisional_ list. It is not final.


LoCoCouncil Contact

Meeting Date



Belgian Local Community Team


Colorado Ubuntu Local Team


DCTeam LoCo


Equip oficial d'ubuntaires


Georgia LoCo


German Ubuntu LoCo Team


Indiana LoCo Team


Kurdish Kurmanji Team


Pennsylvania - US LoCo Team


Russian Team


Ubuntu Australian Team


Ubuntu Austria LoCo team


Ubuntu Bangladesh


Ubuntu Brazilian Users


Ubuntu Canada Team


Ubuntu Chicago LoCo Team


Ubuntu Chile


Ubuntu Colombia


Ubuntu Croatian Advocates


Ubuntu Czech Republic


Ubuntu DK


Ubuntu Finland Team


Following teams have had their approval dates confirmed from logs


Approved Date

LoCoCouncil Contact

Meeting Date



Ubuntu El Salvador Team



Ubuntu Ecuador Team



Lithuanian LoCo Team



Thai Loco Team



Ubuntu China LoCo Team



Florida LoCo Team



Grupo Ubuntu Nicaragua