Meeting information
#ubuntu-meeting: LoCoCouncil 2018-03-12, 12 Mar at 20:12 — 20:35 UTC
Full logs at
Meeting summary
The discussion about "MyanmarTeam" started at 20:14.
Vote: MyanmarTeam re-verification (Carried)
Re-verification, ubuntu-ch
The discussion about "Re-verification, ubuntu-ch" started at 20:30.
Vote results
- Motion carried (For/Against/Abstained 3/0/0)
- Voters kyrofa, Letozaf_, kenvandine
- Motion carried (For/Against/Abstained 3/0/0)
Done items
- (none)
People present (lines said)
- kenvandine (39)
- kyrofa (26)
- kokoye2007 (16)
- meetingology (13)
- Letozaf_ (5)
- thohi (5)
- ubottu (1)
Full Log
20:12 <kenvandine> #startmeeting LoCoCouncil 2018-03-12
20:12 <meetingology> Meeting started Mon Mar 12 20:12:37 2018 UTC. The chair is kenvandine. Information about MeetBot at
20:12 <meetingology>
20:12 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick
20:12 <kenvandine> roll call
20:13 <kenvandine> let's note that gsilvapt and nhaines are not able to make the meeting this week
20:13 <kenvandine> council members please wave to record attendance 20:13 * kyrofa waves 20:13 * kenvandine waves
20:13 <Letozaf_> carla waves
20:13 <Letozaf_> he he sorry...
20:14 <kenvandine> #topic MyanmarTeam
20:14 <kenvandine>
20:14 <kenvandine> kokoye2007, you are here to represent Myanmar?
20:16 <kyrofa> Uh oh :P
20:16 <thohi> me and kokoye here
20:16 <kyrofa> Hey there thohi
20:16 <Letozaf_> o/
20:16 <thohi> Hi
20:16 <kyrofa> Things seem much improved in the application this time around, thank you for updating it
20:16 <thohi> Thanks
20:17 <kyrofa> thohi, it claims your home page is, but that's a 404. Are you aware of this?
20:17 <kokoye2007> == You are banned from this server- You have a host listed in the DroneBL. For more information, visit Please contact with questions. (2018/3/12 20.14) [02:44] == ERROR: Closing Link: ubuntu/member/kokoye2007 (K-Lined) [02:44] == Disconnected from server: Connection to IRC server lost.
20:17 <kokoye2007> :3
20:17 <kokoye2007> sorry for dc
20:17 <kokoye2007> our ip is blacklist again
20:18 <kyrofa> Ouch
20:18 <thohi> still Ok from local
20:18 <kenvandine> 4 events already this year, that's great
20:19 <kyrofa> And 2017 very nicely filled in
20:19 <kokoye2007> sir @kenvandine
20:20 <kokoye2007> 5 event
20:20 <kokoye2007> 2 Meeting
20:20 <kokoye2007> i just add
20:20 <kyrofa> My only comment is the 404 homepage. I really have no questions, things look good from my perspective
20:21 <kokoye2007> opps
20:21 <kokoye2007> i upgrade SSL
20:21 <kenvandine> ah
20:21 <kenvandine> https works
20:21 <kyrofa> Well, without the www
20:22 <kyrofa> Make the link and you're good
20:22 <kyrofa> Otherwise you'll need to add www to the cert
20:23 <kokoye2007> thanks
20:23 <kenvandine> anyone else have questions for kokoye2007 or thohi?
20:23 <kokoye2007> i forget www to ssl redir
20:23 <kyrofa> No more questions from me
20:23 <Letozaf_> I have no questions
20:23 <kenvandine> #vote MyanmarTeam re-verification
20:23 <meetingology> Please vote on: MyanmarTeam re-verification
20:23 <meetingology> Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)
20:23 <kenvandine> #voters Letozaf_ kenvandine kyrofa
20:23 <meetingology> Current voters: Letozaf_ kenvandine kyrofa
20:23 <kenvandine> #votesrequired 3
20:23 <meetingology> votes now need 3 to be passed
20:23 <kenvandine> +1
20:23 <meetingology> +1 received from kenvandine
20:23 <Letozaf_> +1
20:23 <meetingology> +1 received from Letozaf_
20:23 <kyrofa> +1
20:23 <meetingology> +1 received from kyrofa
20:24 <kenvandine> excellent!
20:24 <kenvandine> thanks kokoye2007 and thohi!
20:24 <kyrofa> Thank you kokoye2007 and thohi for updating your application, and for being present today
20:24 <kokoye2007> now also done www redirect
20:24 <kokoye2007> thanks you so much
20:24 <thohi> Thanks to Council members
20:25 <kyrofa> #endvote
20:26 <kyrofa>
20:26 <kenvandine> #endvote
20:26 <meetingology> Voting ended on: MyanmarTeam re-verification
20:26 <meetingology> Votes for:3 Votes against:0 Abstentions:0
20:26 <meetingology> Motion carried
20:26 <kenvandine> sorry
20:26 <kenvandine> i missed that part
20:26 <kyrofa> Haha, no problem, I guess that only works if you're a chair
20:26 <kenvandine> yeah
20:27 <kenvandine> i thought since i added required votes it was automatic
20:27 <kenvandine> i've updated MyanmarTeam's status in LP already
20:27 <kyrofa> Yeah you'd think so
20:27 <kokoye2007> Thank sir
20:27 <kokoye2007> any suggestion for ubuntu-mm ?
20:28 <kyrofa> We technically have SwissTeam on our agenda as well, shall we discuss them quickly just for the meeting minutes?
20:28 <kenvandine> kyrofa, yes
20:28 <kenvandine> so the bug has enough +1s to pass
20:28 <kyrofa> kokoye2007, only one: if you work to keep your pages up-to-date as you go, the re-verification app will be much easier
20:29 <kyrofa> kenvandine, want to update the topic for the minutes?
20:30 <kenvandine> sure
20:30 <kenvandine> #topic Re-verification, ubuntu-ch
20:31 <kenvandine> There was a bug filed to track getting some questions answered
20:31 <kenvandine>
20:31 <ubottu> Error: launchpad bug 1750544 not found
20:31 <kenvandine> that private though
20:32 <kyrofa> Yeah, timezones are different enough asynchronous seemed to be best
20:32 <kyrofa> Long story short: the council voted to re-verify SwissTeam
20:33 <kenvandine> 3 votes in favor
20:33 <kenvandine> kyrofa, did you vote? maybe i missed your's in the comments
20:33 <kyrofa> kenvandine, I voted first! Haha
20:33 <kyrofa> Four votes
20:33 <kenvandine> 4
20:33 <kenvandine> so it passes
20:33 <kenvandine> congratulations to the SwissTeam!
20:35 <kenvandine> i guess that's it for this month
20:35 <kyrofa> Indeed, if no one has any other business, that's it for our agenda
20:35 <kenvandine> thanks everyone!
20:35 <kenvandine> #endmeeting
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