Welcome to the Ubuntu LoCo Days!
Next LoCo Day: Friday, November 5th 2010, 00:00 UTC - Friday, November 5th 2010, 23:59 UTC
About Ubuntu User Days
Most Classroom sessions done in the Ubuntu community are done in English. However, we have a large LoCo community as well. LoCo Days were designed to encourage LoCo Teams to start doing more Classroom sessions in their native languages.
Find out more about the Ubuntu Desktop, Server, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Mobile, UNR, and download them.
The Timetable
Interested in teaching a course? Let Nathan Handler (nhandler) or another member of the Classroom Management Team know!
You can access the Ubuntu LoCo Day classes using your browser by clicking here or by joining #ubuntu-classroom and #ubuntu-classroom-chat on the freenode IRC network using your favorite IRC client. Check out How to Participate for more information.
Tweet/dent and blog about the Ubuntu LoCo Days. Our official hashtag is #locoday. Bring your friends and talk to people about the Ubuntu LoCo Day sessions.
Open Week
Ubuntu Open Week is a week of IRC tuition and Q+A sessions all about getting involved in the rock-and-roll world that is the Ubuntu community. Find out more information here.
Developer Week
Ubuntu Developer Week is a similar to Open Week, but targeted more to developers. Find out more information here.
Ubuntu User Days
User Days was created to be a set of courses offered during a one day period to teach the beginning or intermediate Ubuntu user the basics to get them started with Ubuntu. Find out more information here.