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TBC. | == What is a LoCo team? == A LoCo Team is a Local Community of (in our case) Ubuntu users. A LoCo can involve a lot of things such as local promoting, support in the local language, general support to local users and much more. Most importantly however, it lets people find other Ubuntu users near them. == Why are there LoCos? == LoCos are around to help promote or support Ubuntu and build communities in specific areas. Most LoCos have projects such as translating or customising Ubuntu for their specific area, which is one of the things that makes Ubuntu great. The LoCos are a very important part of the Ubuntu Community. == Where can I find a LoCo? == A good place to start is to take a look at the [:LoCoTeamList:list of teams] page. It has a list of official and non-official LoCo teams. Take a look at the guide under the 'Joining Teams' heading on this page for a more information. If you do not see a team for your area there, maybe you should consider finding a few other Ubuntu users from your area and try starting one. There are many services available to make this easier. Take a look further down this page under the 'Running Teams' heading for more information. == Who can make a loco? == Anyone can make a LoCo. Take a look at the information below. |
Ubuntu LoCo Teams FAQ
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[:LoCoFAQ:FAQ] |
[:LoCoTeamContacts:Contacts] |
ContentsBRTableOfContents |
Welcome to the Ubuntu LoCo Teams FAQ! The aim of this page is to provide an up to date list of common questions that we get about the LoCo team project, joining teams, running teams and more.
General Questions
What is a LoCo team?
A LoCo Team is a Local Community of (in our case) Ubuntu users. A LoCo can involve a lot of things such as local promoting, support in the local language, general support to local users and much more. Most importantly however, it lets people find other Ubuntu users near them.
Why are there LoCos?
LoCos are around to help promote or support Ubuntu and build communities in specific areas. Most LoCos have projects such as translating or customising Ubuntu for their specific area, which is one of the things that makes Ubuntu great. The LoCos are a very important part of the Ubuntu Community.
Where can I find a LoCo?
A good place to start is to take a look at the [:LoCoTeamList:list of teams] page. It has a list of official and non-official LoCo teams. Take a look at the guide under the 'Joining Teams' heading on this page for a more information.
If you do not see a team for your area there, maybe you should consider finding a few other Ubuntu users from your area and try starting one. There are many services available to make this easier. Take a look further down this page under the 'Running Teams' heading for more information.
== Who can make a loco? ==
Anyone can make a LoCo. Take a look at the information below.
Joining Teams
This sections contains questions and answers about how to join an existing LoCo team.
Why should I join a LoCo team?
There are lots of benefits and fun to be had getting involved with a LoCo team, not only in terms of spreading awareness about Ubuntu, but also helping to develop free software in your community, improve Ubuntu and more. For more details see [:LoCoTeamJoining:this page].
Where do I find the list of teams to join?
See the [:LoCoTeamList:list of teams]
Do I have to satisfy any criteria to join a team?
Generally, no. The vast majority of LoCo teams will happily accept anyone to join the team, so long as that person is interested in Ubuntu and wants to be a part of the team. Other than that, the only other criteria is being able to work together with others as part of a team.
Running Teams
How do I set up a LoCo team?
You should first ensure that there is no existing LoCo team in your area. If there is, it is a good idea to work with an established team. See the [:LoCoTeamList:list of teams] to see if there is a LoCo team near you. If no team exists, then start by reading the [:LoCoTeamHowto:LoCo Team HOWTO].
What resources do I need to run a LoCo team?
You should set up the following resources:
Mailing List - this is a primary means of communication between your lists members.
IRC Channel - you should set up an IRC channel (#ubuntu-CC where CC is your country code) on the Freenode IRC network.
Details of setting these resources up can be found in the [:LoCoTeamHowto:LoCo Team HOWTO].
Can I run another LoCo team in the same area?
We highly suggest that you don't and instead work with the existing team to join forces. Having lots of different teams in the same area does nothing but fragment the community, and we would much prefer all Ubuntu users, fans and enthusiasts to work together in the same area in a single team. If there differences in direction and opinion, try to resolve those differences so everyone is happy.
What is the difference between approved and non-approved LoCo teams?
An approved team is a team that is fully up and running, has the required resources set up and has met the approval of JonoBacon or MatthiasUrlichs and the Ubuntu Community Council. As such, you can see approved teams as teams with a proven track record. Non-approved teams are typically teams that are still forming and if they continue to develop into a strong team, they will get approved status too.
LoCoFAQ (last edited 2016-07-30 06:28:59 by simosx)