21:01:37  * Palintheus points to topic then clock
21:01:48 [ Palintheus] we gonna wait an bit or get going?
21:03:46 [ r2d2rogers] yikes
21:03:55 [ r2d2rogers] might as well get going
21:04:43 [ r2d2rogers] I apologize for not getting meeting invites out this time
21:05:06 [ r2d2rogers] I plead catch up from days off with sick boys and large project at work
21:05:44 [ wharp] I think we've all been a bit busy, I know I have
21:05:47 [ r2d2rogers] our agenda items are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LouisianaTeam/Meetings
21:05:58 [ r2d2rogers] and we are aiming for more informal discussion this time
21:06:04 [ r2d2rogers] wharp: +1
21:06:53 [ wharp] though that's a little less pertinent since we have so few
21:06:59 [ r2d2rogers] yeah I agree
21:07:20 [ Palintheus] brb
21:07:21 [ r2d2rogers] maybe we just talk about face to face a bit
21:07:23 [ r2d2rogers] k
21:07:28 [ Palintheus] sounds great
21:07:31 [ wharp] I really wanted to talk with those who didn't participate in the last meeting about stuff
21:07:38 [ r2d2rogers] yeha
21:07:54 [ r2d2rogers] I haven't any any further contact with the three here in Monroe
21:08:02 [ wharp] huh
21:08:05 [ r2d2rogers] yeha
21:08:35 [ wharp] where are we on the release party, has anything been decided about date/place?
21:08:55 [ r2d2rogers] I'd really like to have a face to face before the release
21:09:13 [ r2d2rogers] I've talked to my wife about a spring break trip down to N.O
21:09:19 [ wharp] I don't see that before or after the release really matters a whole lot
21:09:27 [ r2d2rogers] I agree
21:09:47 [ wharp] is hfwilke afk?
21:09:53 [ hfwilke] here
21:09:58 [ hfwilke] for a few more minutes
21:10:04 [ hfwilke] I'm all for a face to face
21:10:08 [ hfwilke] pre release
21:10:11 [ hfwilke] and for the release
21:10:12 [ r2d2rogers] cool
21:10:18 [ wharp] ah
21:10:20 [ r2d2rogers] I'm talking March
21:10:25 [ r2d2rogers] week of 24th
21:10:28 [ hfwilke] I would think one of the two should be north
21:10:32 [ r2d2rogers] wherever that falls in
21:10:41 [ r2d2rogers] that would be even better
21:10:46 [ wharp] r2d2rogers: are you talking about doing two?
21:10:59 [ hfwilke] if us southerns don't make the north one, at least it gets ya'll together
21:11:07 [ hfwilke] and visa vera
21:11:09 [ hfwilke] versa
21:11:12 [ r2d2rogers] I think we should  yeah
21:11:18 [ r2d2rogers] sorry 3 yo wanted clapping
21:11:25 [ r2d2rogers] gsibbery: are you about?
21:11:29 [ hfwilke] type with one hand
21:11:32 [ hfwilke] clap with the other
21:11:36 [ gsibbery] Yes, still here.
21:11:37 [ r2d2rogers] lol
21:11:50 [ r2d2rogers] good deal
21:11:51 [ Palintheus] back
21:11:53 [ wharp] lol
21:12:06 [ r2d2rogers] hfwilke: playing a podcast now
21:12:14 [ hfwilke] sweet
21:12:24 [ r2d2rogers] neat
21:12:31 [ wharp] someone really needs to take charge of planning the event(s)
21:12:32 [ hfwilke] I have some issues with it
21:12:39 [ hfwilke] podcasts
21:12:48 [ r2d2rogers] I think we should think about having the release as a more local event maybe
21:12:52 [ Palintheus] depending on where they are and when determines when I make it
21:13:05 [ r2d2rogers] right
21:13:12 [ hfwilke] r2d2rogers, one north, one south?
21:13:38 [ r2d2rogers] Trey and Jodi talking about coming down and she wanting to go to N.O. is what made me think I might swing my wife on it
21:13:45 [ r2d2rogers] hfwilke: I think so
21:13:58 [ hfwilke] trey, when are ya'll thinking about NO
21:14:01 [ Palintheus] We plan on hitting NO, but depending on when it is determines if I get vaction
21:14:04 [ r2d2rogers] but it depends on if wharp has enough interest in Central...
21:14:22 [ r2d2rogers] what's easier Palintheus ?
21:14:36 [ wharp] what depends on that?  I can just tag along with north or south
21:14:47 [ r2d2rogers] 2 or 3
21:14:49 [ r2d2rogers] ;)
21:14:55 [ Palintheus] not sure atm, will have to look at the vacation calendar....will login to the VPN in a minute
21:15:20 [ r2d2rogers] There's a HAM field day I want to look into to see if we might do a booth
21:15:26 [ r2d2rogers] that's in West Monroe
21:15:31 [ wharp] where/when?
21:15:32 [ wharp] ah
21:15:35 [ r2d2rogers] but I haven't called the group behind that yet
21:15:48 [ wharp] I need to talk with Guy at work.  I believe he's in the local ham club and may have just been elected president
21:16:12 [ r2d2rogers] checking
21:16:17 [ r2d2rogers] sweet
21:16:25 [ wharp] do you know much about the computer side of HAM? does any of their software run on linux?
21:16:49 [ r2d2rogers] the networking with other interest groups was the biggest idea I heard from the guys here in monroe
21:17:16 [ wharp] well we should def add that to the wiki
21:17:22 [ r2d2rogers] Debian had a HAMM section in their repos when I first started trying out linux
21:17:29 [ wharp] huh
21:17:44 [ wharp] I'll have to look into that and talk with him about what he knows about it.  He's a mac guy
21:17:51 [ r2d2rogers] coool
21:17:58 [ r2d2rogers] also look at gnu radio...
21:18:01 [ r2d2rogers] software radios
21:18:10 [ r2d2rogers] haven't heard about it recently
21:18:15 [ r2d2rogers] but was very cool
21:18:43 [ r2d2rogers] 2008 hamfest April 25 and 26
21:18:49 [ wharp] I think the hamfests are pretty often
21:19:16 [ r2d2rogers] was usually at Kiroli park in west monroe, but that might have just been the field day...
21:19:30 [ wharp] Got a link for their club page?
21:19:42 [ r2d2rogers] wow
21:19:43 [ r2d2rogers] yeah
21:19:58 [ r2d2rogers] was updated yesterday after the weather that went through
21:20:03 [ r2d2rogers] SKYWARN?
21:20:09 [ r2d2rogers] http://www.tchams.org/
21:20:12 [ wharp] Yep, just checked, he's the current pres
21:20:18 [ r2d2rogers] not the most flashy page <G>
21:20:25 [ wharp] Yeah, this one either
21:20:31 [ wharp] http://www.clarc.us/
21:20:43 [ Robdgreat] http://www.ares-nela.org/
21:20:44 [ Robdgreat] ?
21:20:49 [ hfwilke] ooh
21:20:53 [ hfwilke] time for me to go have snack
21:20:54 [ hfwilke] bbl
21:20:56 [ hfwilke] sorry guy
21:20:57 [ hfwilke] a
21:20:59 [ hfwilke] s
21:22:09 [ wharp] Is there anything else we want to say/discuss about the f2fs?
21:22:10 [ Palintheus] Robdgreat: you have any input on the dates location?
21:22:14 [ Palintheus] gsibbery: ^?
21:22:17 [ Robdgreat] hmm
21:22:28 [ gsibbery] yes?
21:22:33 [ wharp] Ya know, there are tools for deciding times and such...
21:22:36 [ gsibbery] just kind of lurking for now.
21:22:38 [ r2d2rogers] <G>
21:22:51 [ r2d2rogers] anything confusing or anything you'd like to talk about gsibbery ?
21:23:12 [ gsibbery] nothing in particular. this is my first meeting so am just kind of seeing what goes on here.
21:23:28 [ wharp] Well this is as much your group as anyones so please speak up
21:23:28 [ r2d2rogers] I think we are trying to get a routine for meetings still
21:23:34 [ r2d2rogers] wharp: +1
21:24:00 [ r2d2rogers] gsibbery: +1 is a method used for voting or indicating agreement in IRC interaction....
21:24:09 [ Robdgreat] or sometimes ++
21:24:11 [ r2d2rogers] have you been in IRC much?
21:24:21 [ gsibbery] Have used it before, but not a whole lot.
21:24:34 [ r2d2rogers] we had some issues with the last meeting where we were using too many unfamiliar terms
21:24:49 [ r2d2rogers] So I want to try to be more concious about it, especially in meetings
21:24:58 [ r2d2rogers] have you seen the wiki pages?
21:25:16 [ gsibbery] So far the only thing I heard that I am unfamiliar with is HAM  unless youre talking of amateur radio
21:25:26 [ gsibbery] Yes, I took a look.
21:26:01 [ Robdgreat] yeah, ham is amateur radio
21:26:14 [ wharp] There's http://www.timebridge.com/home.php and http://www.doodle.ch/main.html for scheduling things that we might want to look at
21:26:28 [ wharp] now I'm hungry
21:26:55 [ gsibbery] OK, no problem. For scheduling meetings?
21:27:06 [ r2d2rogers] yeah
21:27:16 [ r2d2rogers] or face to face stuff
21:27:30 [ r2d2rogers] right now we aim for two meetings per month
21:27:30 [ wharp] for anything we think it'd be useful for
21:27:47 [ r2d2rogers] the first thursday at 9pm and the third thursday at 10:30
21:27:50 [ wharp] but we've got a schedule for irc meetings already
21:28:18 [ gsibbery] face to face meetings you mean? or have you set that up yet?
21:28:36 [ r2d2rogers] no f2f's are set yet
21:28:56 [ wharp] Generally if we talk about meetings we're talking about the IRC meetings.  If its f2f, we mention that usually.
21:29:06  * r2d2rogers nods
21:29:18 [ wharp] Since we're spread out around the state our f2f meetings will be much less frequent
21:29:22 [ gsibbery] ok, no prob.
21:29:34 [ wharp] Unless we do a lot of growing, and even then, those are more likely to be local meetups
21:29:36 [ r2d2rogers] hey kenneth
21:29:40 [ gsibbery] yeah thats what i was thinking, f2f statewide could be a problem
21:29:40 [ r2d2rogers] yup
21:29:47 [ kenneth] hey guys, how's it going.  sorry i'm running behind.
21:30:07 [ r2d2rogers] no worries
21:30:33 [ wharp] hey kenneth
21:31:29 [ r2d2rogers] kenneth: so far we're mainly talking face to face ideas
21:31:41 [ wharp] face to face meetings that is
21:31:50 [ wharp] otherwise that might sound....odd
21:32:09 [ r2d2rogers] I'd love one during spring break
21:32:17 [ r2d2rogers] march 24th week
21:32:25 [ r2d2rogers] sorry boys demanding more attention
21:32:35 [ r2d2rogers] wife not back at time I'd expected her
21:32:42 [ r2d2rogers] back later I hope
21:32:45 [ wharp] well any meeting would be on the weekend anyway
21:33:05 [ kenneth] If I remember right, at the last meeting we were also talking about maybe doing it in April when 8.04 was released.
21:33:33 [ wharp] I think we've decided we might try doing 2
21:33:36 [ wharp] one before release
21:33:39 [ wharp] or
21:33:57 [ Palintheus] ok on work comp...pulling up vacation calender
21:34:06 [ wharp] have more local release parties at release, and one before that where we try to get everyone to come
21:34:17 [ kenneth] makes sense.
21:34:55 [ wharp] If we're going to have it down in N.O. I'd like to get someone down there to take the lead on this.
21:35:15 [ hfwilke] seems like the release patry would be the big event for everybody, and the local meetups would be the smaller evnt
21:35:17 [ hfwilke] event
21:35:22 [ wharp] right
21:35:34 [ wharp] except not
21:35:40 [ hfwilke] hmmm
21:35:49 [ wharp] I think the dates just don't work out that way
21:35:51 [ hfwilke] ah
21:35:59 [ hfwilke] ok...I'm afk
21:36:02 [ wharp] I think r2d2rogers wanted to do it end of march
21:36:19 [ hfwilke] k
21:36:30 [ kenneth] in N.O.?
21:36:46 [ wharp] I think that's the plan
21:37:12 [ wharp] and at least a North and South meetup for the 8.04 release
21:38:21 [ wharp] Palintheus: that when everybody else has vacation scheduled?
21:38:44 [ kenneth] i gotcha.  makes sense to me.  i may not be able to do the march meeting since that's within two weeks of the wife's due date.  but the north/south release is very doable.
21:38:57 [ Palintheus] Im looking, access over vpn blows
21:39:04 [ wharp] haha
21:41:27 [ Palintheus] ...still opening
21:41:44 [ wharp] ouch
21:41:56 [ wharp] Ok, well let us know and we'll come back to that.
21:42:00 [ wharp] GPG Key signing
21:42:21 [ wharp] I think we might want to make this just a staple part of any f2f.
21:43:05 [ wharp] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto#head-07fb6c57086eca90167f7ba1bd2b1895b6386534
21:43:46 [ Palintheus] ok someone already has 3/24 - 3/31
21:44:17 [ wharp] hm...but if you're on vpn you could always work on the road....
21:44:19 [ Palintheus] and 4/1 - 4/3
21:44:25 [ Palintheus] doh...4/4
21:44:27 [ wharp] what is open?
21:44:34 [ Palintheus] other than that Im good
21:44:53 [ Palintheus] actually I can't I have vpn just so I can work from home
21:45:07 [ Palintheus] I don't have a company phone to call across the country with
21:45:30 [ wharp] so you can only work from home? is it tied to that ip address?
21:45:49 [ Palintheus] that has nothing to do with me calling across the country ;)
21:46:14 [ wharp] oooh, gotcha
21:46:15 [ wharp] nevermind
21:46:21 [ Robdgreat] pwnt
21:46:31 [ wharp] I keep thinking you just do computer claim stuff and not the calling part
21:46:38 [ wharp] not that I really know much
21:46:43 [ wharp] so back on topic
21:47:02 [ Palintheus] k
21:47:05 [ r2d2rogers] do we need a generic face to face agenda
21:47:13 [ r2d2rogers] including gpg keysigning?
21:47:21 [ Palintheus] has everyone had a chance to look at the gpg signing page I linked to in the agenda
21:47:22 [ Palintheus] ?
21:47:29 [ Robdgreat] not yet
21:47:29 [ wharp] well if we had regular f2f's maybe
21:47:35 [ r2d2rogers] crap
21:47:38 [ r2d2rogers] back later
21:47:55 [ wharp] lol
21:48:50 [ wharp] so you'd have to go the 22nd of march or earlier, or 12th of april or later?
21:49:41 [ wharp] I have looked at the page, but its been a while
21:50:40 [ Palintheus] correct on the dates
21:51:06 [ Palintheus] I would prefer april personally, but Im game to anything I that is agreed on
21:51:31 [ Palintheus] bbi10
21:51:39 [ wharp] [Action Item] r2d2rogers: change calendar to not have Informal Discussion Night on meeting nights
21:53:36 [ wharp] so gsibbery what exactly are your expectations or wants with regards to the LoCo?
21:54:17 [ gsibbery] I have been using Linux for some years and wanted to get more involved with Ubuntu so dropped by the meeting to see what goes on here.
21:54:26 [ wharp] I see
21:54:40 [ wharp] are you active in the community otherwise?
21:54:44 [ gsibbery] I am mainly interested in training new users since I think Ubuntu is the best bet for general use
21:55:10 [ wharp] Gotcha
21:55:21 [ wharp] Have you looked around our wiki?
21:55:27 [ gsibbery] not so much online. I do help people around my neighborhood. I am testing Hardy now and doing bug reports as I find them
21:55:30 [ gsibbery] yes, I have
21:55:39 [ wharp] ok
21:55:46 [ kenneth] where are you from gsibbery?
21:55:54 [ gsibbery] Plaquemine.
21:56:02 [ gsibbery] About 17 miles south of BR
21:56:25 [ wharp] One of the things we need to work on is participation.  We've got some good ideas, but not much follow through at the moment.
21:56:31 [ wharp] Need to build up some momentum.
21:56:50 [ gsibbery] Yes, i can see that. seems a bit slow so far.
21:57:17 [ gsibbery] Participation in what though precisely? What are the goals you have in mind?
21:57:18 [ wharp] Well we didn't send out emails or invites for the meeting.
21:57:31 [ gsibbery] In the user community in general or something more specific?
21:57:35 [ wharp] the goals you have in mind
21:57:59 [ gsibbery] Yes, I notice no mails were sent.
21:58:25 [ wharp] at the last meeting we discussed some subteams and I think that's one of the things we need to work on at the moment
21:58:36 [ kenneth] one thing that i'm curious about is what are the specific goals for two kinds of users: those using Ubuntu inside the group that may not understand it or need help with it, and those outside of the group that we're educating about OSS.
21:58:39 [ wharp] at team to make sure things are taken care of for the meeting
21:59:23 [ wharp] well the thing is, we have goals as a group, but that's because our members want to see them accomplished
21:59:31 [ wharp] so the goals are really the goals of our members
22:00:08 [ gsibbery] As to the latter, have you thought about library projects? Getting this software to libraries so they can hand them out or something like that? It occurs to me that most people may still not know what Linux is
22:00:18 [ wharp] that's one thing we have discussed
22:00:37 [ wharp] I know there was a project in BR along those lines that's since fizzled and I've seen reference to another project on the wiki
22:01:08 [ gsibbery] Yes, the BRLUG had some such project but am not sure how active it is.
22:01:11 [ wharp] kenneth, gsibbery a lot of this just hasn't been decided or talked about yet.  There isn't a lot going on on either the mailing list or the forum
22:01:22 [ wharp] the project isn't active anymore, I asked about that
22:01:41 [ kenneth] there's always viral marketing type stuff.  get business cards printed with, perhaps, 5 principals/benefits of open source, and a link to the louisiana loco website or the ubuntu site.
22:01:45 [ wharp] As far as users within the group, we talked about a new memeber subteam
22:01:57 [ kenneth] and distribute them at coffee shops and such.
22:01:59 [ gsibbery] Ok, that seems to be a good way to get people to learn about the software.
22:02:09 [ wharp] some of that we can get from system76 I think
22:02:42 [ kenneth] what would we hope to accomplish with the new member team?  as a new member myself, i think one thing that i've had trouble with is that there's several sources of info for the team.
22:03:22 [ wharp] well as a new member yourself, that would be a great start for the team.  What do you see as needing to be done to make new members more at home so to speak.
22:03:23 [ kenneth] although the wiki seems to be the most up to date, there's also the site off of axxium's site, and when you search for louisiana loco the second result that comes up is the forum post about the team.
22:03:48 [ wharp] I do agree, there are a lot of resources that seem to be redundant
22:05:06 [ kenneth] maybe consolidating the info somehow.  i've not messed with wiki's too much, but is there a way to syndicate some of the content from the wiki onto axxium's site?  axxium's site looks very sharp, from a marketing perspective.
22:05:16 [ wharp] But people are going to have to tell us what's working and what's not working before we can do something about it
22:05:33 [ wharp] I'm not sure, I think it might be drupal
22:05:52 [ wharp] or xoops
22:06:00 [ kenneth] people are also going to have to find out about us so that they can have the opportunity to say what's not working.
22:06:29 [ kenneth] has any thought been given to registering a domain name specific to the loco?  louisianaubuntu.org or something?
22:06:40 [ wharp] we haven't talked about that I don't think
22:06:48 [ hfwilke] xoops
22:07:12 [ hfwilke] I think you get an ubuntu site when you get approved
22:07:23 [ wharp] I think the website will mostly be a collection of all the tools/resources we have
22:08:02 [ hfwilke] the biggest issue I see with the website is that axxium has to maintain it
22:08:06 [ hfwilke] the wiki we get to update
22:08:12 [ wharp] yeah, that's a problem
22:08:14 [ hfwilke] but the website is slick
22:08:24 [ wharp] r2d2rogers doesn't have access?
22:08:31 [ hfwilke] not that I know of
22:08:33 [ wharp] hm
22:08:34 [ hfwilke] but maybe
22:08:37 [ wharp] we might need to check on that
22:08:58 [ wharp] [Action Item] wharp: Check on who is able to update the website
22:09:11 [ hfwilke] I do like the idea of some of the wiki content syndicated to axxium's site
22:09:46 [ hfwilke] that would give anyody the opportunity to post news items, or some such
22:09:47 [ kenneth] i guess i'm still thinking mainly of marketing at this point.  what do people need to know to be convinced to try ubuntu?  1) it's got a live cd and you don't have to fud up your system.  2) it's got synaptec that you can use to do one click installs of most software.  3) these are the ubuntu equivalents to the windows software you're used to.  4) here's the philosophical principals of open source and why it's a good thing (tm)
22:10:00 [ wharp] kenneth: there is a stub for the new memeber team page here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LouisianaTeam/NewMemberTeam
22:11:09 [ gsibbery] let them know about alternative software if they are used to Windows.
22:11:12 [ wharp] obviously marketing is something we need to do, but I think we need to have our ducks in a row so that we're able to provide a consistent, positive experience
22:11:15 [ gsibbery] http://www.linuxalt.com/ or something like this
22:11:48 [ kenneth] that's a great resource gsibbery
22:11:51 [ wharp] kenneth: that sounds like something that might be a good forum post.  Ways we can market Ubuntu
22:12:25 [ kenneth] i'll make a note to myself to post something about it
22:12:32 [ wharp] Ok
22:12:54 [ wharp] Have either ya'll looked at our proposed new front page for the wiki?
22:13:00 [ wharp] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LouisianaTeam/foo
22:13:08 [ kenneth] yeah you sent me a link before to it.
22:13:10 [ hfwilke] bbiab
22:14:10 [ wharp] We need to make it as easy as possible for people to join the LoCo, find a place they can contribute, and hit the ground running.
22:14:11 [ Palintheus] and back sorry all
22:14:15 [ wharp] wb
22:15:28 [ wharp] I think we need to send out a call for people to join the subteams.
22:15:34 [ kenneth] yeah.
22:15:58 [ Palintheus] r2d2rogers does have access to the site
22:15:59 [ wharp] Maybe a post to the mailing list with a description of what we'd like each of them to be as a starding point
22:16:03 [ wharp] I thought so
22:16:59 [ wharp] We have a web subteam so maybe they (meaning r2d2rogers) could work on syncing up some of the content?
22:17:46 [ kenneth] It may not help showing what we need on the home page, as well as the links to the sub teams.  maybe having some specific tasks that need to be filled?  A How Can You Help section?
22:18:33 [ Palintheus] I think we should look at several of the really active/successful teams such as MA, Chicago, CO, and ....(trying to think)
22:19:18 [ Palintheus] BOOM
22:19:26 [ boomer] allo allo
22:20:11 [ wharp] hey boomer
22:20:36 [ kenneth] we also need to let people know that they can get something out of the group.  more than, "Hey join us, now get to work!"  I guess that's where the new member team would come in, but it seems important to provide a resource for those struggling with Ubuntu.
22:21:00 [ wharp] well that's why there's a section with reasons why they should join
22:21:01 [ Palintheus] right, provide some support and get them interested
22:21:27 [ wharp] BUt I think we should list that there are ways they can help out on the main page
22:21:37 [ kenneth] I think it's important to make people not feel like they have to be heavy Linux users or highly experienced to be able to get something out of the group.  that might intimidate people into not joining.
22:21:46 [ kenneth] oh yeah, agreed.
22:23:26 [ wharp] well anybody with an account can edit the wiki
22:23:34 [ wharp] and /foo isn't linked to anywhere so add your ideas
22:24:07 [ wharp] rather nothing links to it
22:24:59 [ kenneth] when is /foo expected to go live?
22:25:05 [ wharp] when we get it finished
22:25:19 [ wharp] its pretty open ended
22:25:27 [ kenneth] ic
22:25:32 [ Palintheus] I haven't looked at in a while, /me fails
22:25:42 [ wharp] lol
22:25:51 [ r2d2rogers] hullo
22:25:57 [ r2d2rogers] wife arrived
22:26:55 [ Palintheus] \o/
22:26:59 [ r2d2rogers] I'd like to see each of us list what we are good with so new people know who would be a good person to ask
22:27:02 [ wharp] we're discussing the wiki and new users
22:27:06 [ r2d2rogers] Palintheus: yeah no kidding
22:27:13 [ r2d2rogers] she forgot her cell phone
22:27:19  * r2d2rogers nods 
22:27:20 [ wharp] r2d2rogers: on the forum maybe?
22:27:26 [ r2d2rogers] cool, reading back
22:27:30 [ r2d2rogers] that would be good
22:27:33 [ kenneth] yeah.  that's a good idea.
22:27:45 [ Robdgreat] r2d2rogers: new web team member ;)
22:27:54 [ r2d2rogers] wharp: random as I seem ML up there
22:27:58 [ r2d2rogers] any luck there?
22:28:04 [ wharp] what?
22:28:07  * r2d2rogers goes to read back
22:28:12 [ r2d2rogers] on the maling list admin?
22:28:18 [ wharp] Oh, haven't heard anything yet
22:28:31 [ Palintheus] just got the notification Robdgreat ;)
22:28:46 [ wharp] at this point I think they'll just get moved into LP and that's about the only way we'll get admin of it back
22:29:21 [ Palintheus] thats probably a few months away though, I think we just need to start bugging people
22:29:29 [ wharp] Ok, anybody want to start up that post on members and how they can help out?
22:29:36 [ Palintheus] Ive seen Zelut get stuff done in a week or two on ML junk
22:29:44 [ wharp] Really?
22:29:55 [ wharp] maybe I'll hop in their irc chan tomorrow and ask about it
22:29:59 [ Palintheus] yeah, ping him in -us a few times a week and it might speed it up
22:30:51 [ kenneth] i can make the post.
22:31:03 [ wharp] I don't see a ticket in rt yet
22:31:05 [ wharp] ok
22:31:10 [ r2d2rogers] I do have access to the web site
22:31:19 [ r2d2rogers] there was early discussion about a domain name
22:31:25 [ r2d2rogers] but that was tabled at that time
22:31:30 [ wharp] [Action Item] kenneth Forum post re users and their areas of interests
22:31:41 [ wharp] reason?
22:31:56 [ r2d2rogers] in favor of the site we were working on at laubuntu.axxium.us
22:31:59 [ Palintheus] :todo add add mootbot capabilities to ATDT 
22:32:00 [ ATDT] Palintheus: The operation succeeded.  (Todo #6 added)
22:32:10 [ wharp] Palintheus++
22:32:18 [ Palintheus] ;)
22:32:29 [ wharp] mootbot would be nice
22:32:42 [ r2d2rogers] reading back again
22:33:10 [ Palintheus]  /j #ubuntu-scribes
22:33:13 [ Palintheus] gah
22:33:18 [ wharp] I don't understand.  Getting a domain for the LoCo doesn't preclude that does it?
22:33:20 [ wharp] lol
22:33:24 [ wharp] what's -scribes for?
22:33:54 [ r2d2rogers] wharp
22:33:58 [ r2d2rogers] no I dont think so
22:34:06 [ r2d2rogers] I think we just didn't settle on a name
22:34:21 [ r2d2rogers] and tabled it in favor of getting content started
22:34:28 [ r2d2rogers] or the look anyhow
22:34:37 [ Palintheus] wharp: they manage MootBot
22:34:40 [ wharp] oh, ok, that I do understand
22:35:31 [ Palintheus] just pinged someone about it, trying to get the script its running, it will need to be ported to python from TCL
22:35:45 [ wharp] Why don't we bring up the domain name issue on the forum?
22:35:57 [ wharp] maybe ask for suggestions?
22:36:02 [ r2d2rogers] good
22:36:13 [ r2d2rogers]  we need several more forum posts it seems
22:36:22 [ wharp] [Action Item] Forum post regarding domain name suggestions
22:36:34 [ wharp] yeah
22:36:35 [ wharp] which is good
22:36:41 [ r2d2rogers] yup
22:36:46 [ wharp] hopefully we can get them started and try to pull people in to the discussion
22:37:03 [ wharp] maybe we can get them posted pretty quickly and then send out a "digest" to the ml
22:37:36 [ r2d2rogers] I wonder if we can syndicate the new topics on the forum to the web page
22:37:47 [ r2d2rogers] just a RSS sidbar?
22:37:55 [ r2d2rogers] will have to look at that
22:38:00 [ wharp] Can you subscribe to just a specific forum area?
22:38:03 [ Palintheus] that would get new topics only right...not updated ones?
22:38:06 [ wharp] I tried doing that but got everything
22:38:16 [ r2d2rogers] yeah that's an issue Palintheus
22:38:32 [ r2d2rogers] you can wharp
22:38:38  * Palintheus curses notify.pl
22:38:42 [ r2d2rogers] I have it in my google reader for new
22:38:43 [ wharp] RSS pwns me apparently then
22:38:45 [ r2d2rogers] Palintheus: ?
22:38:46 [ r2d2rogers] ?
22:38:54 [ Palintheus] 22:38:16 /bin/sh: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string
22:38:59 [ r2d2rogers] yeah
22:39:06 [ r2d2rogers] crud that's one I do want to fix too
22:39:18 [ r2d2rogers] work has taken all my coding lately
22:39:28 [ wharp] Well if it doesn't do updated maybe we take the daily digest it will email out and use that?
22:39:49 [ r2d2rogers] sub the ml address to a daily digest?
22:40:08 [ wharp] No, I meant somehow sub that to something you could rss into the site
22:40:12 [ r2d2rogers] or would that be a mess about people replying to forum posts in the mailing list?
22:40:14 [ wharp] But the digest isn't very readable usually
22:40:15 [ r2d2rogers] ahh
22:40:18 [ r2d2rogers] yeah
22:40:22 [ r2d2rogers] email to rss services are avaiable
22:40:25 [ r2d2rogers] GOOD THOUGH
22:40:26 [ wharp] I know, I use one
22:40:28 [ r2d2rogers] though
22:40:29 [ wharp] for something
22:40:42 [ wharp] we might need to somehow strip stuff out of it
22:40:56 [ wharp] esp if we want to put it in a side bar
22:40:58 [ r2d2rogers] for the =>  RSS just do the instant notifications IMO
22:41:14 [ wharp] I thought those didn't work well?
22:41:19 [ r2d2rogers] ?
22:41:51 [ wharp] you're talking about the email notifications of new/updated posts right?
22:42:03 [ r2d2rogers] I haven't tried them in the ubuntu forum yet
22:42:05 [ r2d2rogers] but yes
22:42:24 [ wharp] I thought you'd mentioned that they were really slow, but it might have been Palintheus or someone else
22:42:40 [ r2d2rogers] that was about the wiki notifications
22:42:45 [ wharp] though even if they were, slow would be better than nothing
22:42:49 [ r2d2rogers] before we discovered them in gmail spam
22:43:10 [ wharp] No, I remember you saying you just checked the forum instead so it was def about the forum
22:43:14 [ wharp] but that's neither here nor there
22:43:19 [ r2d2rogers] Oh
22:43:21 [ wharp] awfully quiet there boomer
22:43:26 [ r2d2rogers] for posts in old topics
22:44:08 [ r2d2rogers] I prefer RSS to email... and so I was refering to looking directly in the forum for new posts to established topics
22:44:52 [ wharp] gotcha
22:45:01 [ wharp] Ok, so is there anything else?
22:45:28 [ kenneth] I just made a post to the forums about skillsets and interests.
22:45:30 [ wharp] anything we need to touch on again, or something we haven't talked about?
22:45:37 [ wharp] Ok, thanks
22:45:42 [ wharp] here's the action items I've got
22:45:51 [ wharp] [Action Item] Forum post regarding domain name suggestions
22:45:51 [ wharp] [Action Item] kenneth Forum post re users and their areas of interests
22:45:51 [ wharp] [Action Item] wharp: Check on who is able to update the website.  r2d2 is able to update the website.
22:45:51 [ wharp] [Action Item] r2d2rogers: change calendar to not have Informal Discussion Night on meeting nights
22:46:08 [ r2d2rogers] :todo add change calendar to not have  Informal Discussion Night on meeting nights
22:46:09 [ ATDT] r2d2rogers: The operation succeeded.  (Todo #22 added)
22:46:35 [ Palintheus] do we want logs of this posted?
22:46:40 [ r2d2rogers] yes
22:46:46 [ Palintheus] k
22:46:51 [ wharp] [Action Item] wharp ML message about new forum posts
22:46:57  * Palintheus looks at lastlog help again
22:46:58 [ r2d2rogers] If no one else wants to volunteer i'll try to be more timly with the logs
22:47:13 [ wharp] I'm going to send this to the mailing list, but I thought I'd mention it here also.
22:47:15 [ boomer] wharp: im eating dinner :)
22:47:17 [ r2d2rogers] err summarys
22:47:39 [ wharp] I'd like to challenge everyone to spend at least an hour on the LoCo every week
22:47:48 [ r2d2rogers] wharp: +1
22:47:56 [ r2d2rogers] and more than just our daily lurk inthe IRC ;)
22:48:02 [ wharp] Hopefully if everyone can spend a little bit of time doing something, then we can get some momentum
22:48:05 [ wharp] right
22:48:21 [ wharp] boomer: well this is one of those times when talking with your mouth full is ok
22:48:31 [ wharp] r2d2rogers: I've got a summary already started
22:48:33 [ r2d2rogers] :todo add contact the monroe area hamm club about their April event
22:48:33 [ ATDT] r2d2rogers: The operation succeeded.  (Todo #23 added)
22:48:38 [ r2d2rogers] awsome
22:49:20 [ wharp] Well if there's nothing else...
22:49:31 [ r2d2rogers] good here
22:49:40 [ wharp] Meeting Adjourned

LouisianaTeam/Meetings/IRCLog-20080207 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:38:58 by localhost)