21:01:04 [ r2d2rogers] Good evening
21:01:15 [ Palintheus] o/
21:01:43 [ r2d2rogers] did I miss the start od the meeting?
21:01:50 [ Palintheus] <.<
21:01:52 [ Palintheus] >.>
21:01:52 [ droops] not yet
21:02:31  * r2d2rogers loads the agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LouisianaTeam/Meetings
21:02:34 [ ATDT] Title: LouisianaTeam/Meetings - Ubuntu Wiki (at wiki.ubuntu.com)
21:06:44 [notice(#ubuntu-us-la)] reminder about the meeting scheduled tonight, let us know if you are available
21:06:49 [ Palintheus] o/
21:07:22 [ r2d2rogers] o/
21:10:50 [ wharp] \o
21:10:52 [ wharp] sorry
21:10:54 [ wharp] o/
21:12:11 [ r2d2rogers] 3-4?
21:12:35 [ Palintheus] the only other one not away is macd_ 
21:12:40 [ Palintheus] per /who
21:13:40 [ wharp] exceptionally low turnout
21:14:13 [ wharp] and I don't think macd_ ever marks away
21:14:30 [ ke5tpy] o/
21:14:43 [ Palintheus] while we are waiting...reminder that the poll is open
21:14:54 [ ke5tpy] partly here, marked away
21:15:28 [ r2d2rogers] FaceThePain_winb is marked as here
21:15:32 [ Palintheus] ah
21:15:36 [ r2d2rogers] but that sounds like his work machine
21:15:44 [ Palintheus] long name made me miss the H ;)
21:16:02 [ Palintheus] do we wanna wait another 15 or go ahead?
21:16:30 [ droops_] go ahead
21:17:43 [ r2d2rogers] I have to be off by 10:30...
21:18:21 ::: fxef [n=bob@c-76-107-35-219.hsd1.la.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-us-la
21:18:21 [ Palintheus] well we waited 20 already, lets get goin
21:18:26 [ Palintheus] g
21:18:51 [ fxef] hey guys
21:19:05 [ fxef] little late
21:19:08 [ Palintheus] first up looks like the presentation, wanna give us an update droops_ ?
21:19:14 [ Palintheus] hey fxef 
21:19:36 [ Palintheus] i think you were gonna work with macd_ on it correct?
21:19:58 [ droops_] is that david portwood?
21:20:01 [ Palintheus] yes
21:20:42 [ droops_] ok, i have screenshots of different ham software, its printed out in some booklets, im working on finding out more about the ham stuff, so we can talk more about it
21:20:49 [ droops_] i have a local ham that is helping me out
21:21:03 [ Palintheus] cool
21:21:04 [ droops_] the screenshots are going to be on a screensaver on all the demo boxes
21:21:13 [ Palintheus] thats the pdf correct?
21:21:14 [ droops_] and of course the booklets to pass around
21:21:18 [ droops_] that is the pdf
21:21:27 [ droops_] though its better now, i havent uploaded the new one yet
21:21:33 [ Palintheus] are we going to add snippits to the pdf?
21:21:36 [ Palintheus] about the programs
21:21:40 [ Palintheus] oh ok
21:21:42 [ droops_] thats the text bit
21:21:58 [ droops_] i had to have something to start from, as i asked the ham about it
21:22:25 [ Palintheus] understandable
21:22:51 [ droops_] how long is the presentation supposed to be
21:23:00 [ droops_] and is there going to be a question answer bit
21:23:30 [ Palintheus] there is a q&a section and I think its an hour total, right r2d2rogers ?
21:23:36 [ r2d2rogers] correct
21:23:39 [ r2d2rogers] I think we
21:23:45 [ droops_] the q/a is during the hour or not?
21:23:46 [ r2d2rogers] had thought 40 mins and 20 for questions
21:23:50 [ droops_] ok
21:23:50 [ r2d2rogers] yes
21:23:50 [ droops_] cool
21:25:18 [ droops_] i havent gotten in touch with macd yet about it, but i can talk about it for 40 minutes easy, i thought i had volunteered for the q/a bit, i didnt realize he and i were the presenters until today when i read the meeting summary
21:25:34 [ Palintheus] oh..heh
21:25:41 [ Palintheus] still ok with it though?
21:25:45 [ droops_] oh yeah
21:25:51 [ Palintheus] cool
21:25:53 [ droops_] i like talking in front of folks
21:25:57 [ Palintheus] thanks again ;)
21:26:02 [ droops_] not a problem
21:26:04 [ Palintheus] because Im not good with big groups
21:26:39 [ droops_] i went to military school for 5 years, when i took college speech, i was already giving a speech every morning, afternoon and night in front of a larger group then my class
21:26:39 [ wharp] are you going to be concentrating just on hamsoftware or will ya'll be going into ubuntu in general?
21:26:47 [ droops_] ubuntu in general
21:26:54 [ droops_] the ham stuff is just bonus
21:27:04 [ wharp] ok, I wasn't sure
21:27:11 [ Palintheus] I think thats best
21:27:19 [ Palintheus] stick with what we really know
21:27:23 [ droops_] totally
21:27:48 [ droops_] im windows free for the last couple years, so i know a little about how cool it is
21:28:03 [ droops_] i did install real ubuntu in a vm, to get used to gnome
21:28:40 [ droops_] anyone use anything other than gnome full time?
21:29:03 [ wharp] I don't, and I don't htink anybody else does
21:29:08 [ wharp] I know r2d2rogers uses kde a bit
21:29:12 [ r2d2rogers] I used to use KDE
21:29:21 [ r2d2rogers] up till hardy
21:29:32 [ ke5tpy] then he wised up ;)
21:29:35 [ r2d2rogers] heh
21:29:59 [ r2d2rogers] I just found some programs to replace what was keeping from trying gnome
21:30:08 [ Palintheus] Im thinking we should have at least KDE on one of the computers
21:30:19 [ Palintheus] (just a thought while we are on the subject)
21:30:22 [ wharp] Palintheus: wouldn't that just cause confusions?
21:30:33 [ ke5tpy] it would show different options available
21:30:36 [ Palintheus] what if someone doesn't like it just beacuse its gnome?
21:30:56 [ wharp] true, but a lot of people aren't going to get the whole KDE/GNome thing
21:31:14 [ droops_] i think we should stick with just gnome on the demo boxes
21:31:37 [ r2d2rogers] I don't think we'll have kubuntu to pass out currently?
21:31:38 [ droops_] during our talk, we can show slides of different desktops
21:31:44 [ r2d2rogers] droops_: +1
21:31:51 [ droops_] to show the freedom of deciding what you want
21:32:13 [ Palintheus] cool
21:32:28 [ fxef] yeah, but don't confuse them
21:33:36 [ Palintheus] of course
21:33:47 [ droops_] i actually did a talk on linux when i was in school, i had a good chart to show relationships of linux=kernel fedora=distro xfce=greatest wm ever, kind of stuff
21:33:59 [ wharp] hahaha
21:34:03 [ r2d2rogers] <G>
21:34:15 [ r2d2rogers] my boys used xfce for a while ;)
21:34:17 [ wharp] way to just slip that right in there huh
21:34:31 [ wharp] so then are we good on the presentatin?
21:34:38 [ droops_] completly
21:34:48 [ wharp] next item?
21:35:04 [ r2d2rogers] anything from the floor? <G>
21:35:26 [ droops_] i have something that would be quick
21:35:54 [ wharp] hm, apparently I just overlooked the "Add other items here" when I edited
21:36:15 [ Palintheus] droops_: ?
21:36:37 [ droops_] ok, johndoc and i were talking about getting a big named speaker to come talk in north louisiana on linux type stuff
21:37:14 ::: r11t [n=root@] has joined #ubuntu-us-la
21:37:29 [ droops_] so i emailed rms, he can come, wants to give more than one talk in different locations( ie: all over the state, maybe jackson), we just have ot pay for his flight and put him up in peoples houses
21:37:49 [ ke5tpy] that's surreal
21:37:54 [ Palintheus] O.O
21:37:57 [ ke5tpy] "rms is crashing with me"
21:37:58 [ droops_] this wouldnt be anything soon, but it would be a cool thing for the loco and all the louisana lugs to help out with
21:38:01 [ KevinYo] Awesome.
21:38:05 [ r11t] wow rms in Louisiana would be great
21:38:19 [ droops_] rms would rather stay at someones house, than a hotel, but a house with no pets other than a parrot
21:38:31 [ KevinYo] parrot :-)
21:38:34 [ droops_] i got a pretty long letter from him (im sure it was a form letter)
21:38:36 [ r2d2rogers] got cats ...
21:38:52 [ droops_] i can ditch our dog, he is allergic to cats
21:38:59 [ wharp] yep, cats here too
21:39:13 [ droops_] his speaking is also free, unless its at a school or something we are charging for
21:39:20 [ r2d2rogers] dog is outside
21:39:29 [ droops_] so this is cool to pursue?
21:39:43 [ droops_] and does anyone know the brlug guys, i kinda need to talk to one of them
21:39:50 [ wharp] puryear
21:39:52 [ ke5tpy] KevinYo: ?
21:40:00 [ wharp] don't know him, but he's their president or whatever
21:40:18 [ wharp] and poobal who is a loco member is in the brlug
21:40:23 [ r2d2rogers] is this for the hamfast?
21:40:27 [ r2d2rogers] or another time?
21:40:28 [ droops_] i emailed him, but have yet to hear from him, puryear
21:40:32 [ droops_] another time completly
21:40:45 [ wharp] I've gotten emails from him, spottily
21:40:54 [ droops_] ok, im done, thanks for the floor
21:41:05 ::: r11t [n=root@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
21:41:12 [ wharp] be forewarned, he's gonna make you call it GNU Linux
21:41:15 [ droops_] i know
21:41:18 [ droops_] and i did
21:41:18 ::: r11t [n=root@] has joined #ubuntu-us-la
21:41:31 [ wharp] ok, the only other thing on the agenda is wubi
21:41:42 [ droops_] and what is wubi
21:41:50 [ wharp] should we be promoting this to the hamfest people who take a cd?
21:41:57 [ wharp] r2d2rogers: since you've used it would you explain?
21:42:47 [ r2d2rogers] Wubi is the install in a file on the windows filesystem
21:42:59 [ r2d2rogers] So
21:43:22 [ r2d2rogers] it makes a file under windows instead of repartitioning the drive
21:43:29 [ r2d2rogers] it need ntfs
21:43:32 [ r2d2rogers] meeds
21:43:35 [ r2d2rogers] ...
21:43:46 [ r2d2rogers] as it needs files sizes over the limit for FAT
21:44:13 [ droops_] you click it, it reboots to ubuntu?
21:44:32 [ r2d2rogers] I think it does modify the boot loader
21:44:54 [ r2d2rogers] so it's normal other than where the filesystem for ubuntu is put
21:45:10 [ wharp] so you select ubuntu or windows at boot like a normal dual-boot then
21:45:15 [ r2d2rogers] I tried it back in feisty
21:45:19 [ r2d2rogers] yup
21:45:25 [ Palintheus] its included in the official installer now correct?
21:45:30 [ droops_] that made me think of something for the presentation (ohhh shiny), that would be a great thing for the presentation, i was about to ask if we should push vmware or installing on a seperate box, as dual booting may not be a safe thing to get people to do
21:45:50 [ droops_] let me try it, but i like the idea
21:45:52 [ r2d2rogers] I think it is
21:45:55 [ r2d2rogers] <G>
21:46:25 [ wharp] well from their website they talk about downloading it and running it that way, but I was under the impression it was included
21:46:58 [ fxef] does wubi run like virtual software?
21:47:22 [ wharp] paste warning
21:47:25 [ wharp] There is a new installation option for Windows users. [WWW] Wubi allows users to install and uninstall Ubuntu like any other Windows application. It does not require a dedicated partition, nor does it affect the existing bootloader, yet users can experience a dual-boot setup almost identical to a full installation. Wubi works with a physical CD or in stand-alone mode, by downloading an appropriate ISO to install from. It can be found on the root 
21:47:34 [ droops_] let the record state, i hate you r2d2rogers, as you are making me plug up the secret windows box i have hidden in my closet
21:47:47 [ r2d2rogers] LOL
21:47:48 [ wharp] actually it was my idea
21:47:51 [ r2d2rogers] fair enough
21:48:35 [ Palintheus] "But Wubi 8.04 is fully supported and has now been shipping within the Ubuntu Live CD since the 8.04 Alpha-5 release. "
21:48:47 [ Palintheus] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide
21:48:49 [ wharp] so it's just an exe on the cd, I guess they'd have to find and run it themselves
21:48:49 [ ATDT] Title: WubiGuide - Ubuntu Wiki (at wiki.ubuntu.com)
21:48:59 [ Palintheus] I think it autoloads in windows
21:49:00 [ r2d2rogers] no
21:49:07 [ r2d2rogers]  it's in the boot up also
21:49:10 [ r2d2rogers] on the live CD
21:49:11 [ Palintheus] right
21:49:14 [ wharp] the menu?
21:49:50 ::: r11t [n=root@] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
21:49:51 [ Palintheus] if you put the livecd in the computer while running on windows, it pops up and offers to install OOo, Wubi, and some others iirc
21:49:53 [ wharp] I guess I need to find a machine at work and try it out
21:50:21 [ wharp] I like this option better than a normal dual boot for this type demographic
21:50:51  * Palintheus nods
21:51:09 [ wharp] hm, does it work with xp and vista?
21:51:13 [ droops_] i am in full agreement with wharp
21:51:30 [ Palintheus] "Windows Vista, XP, and 2000 are known to be working fine with Wubi. Windows 98 should also work, but it has not been thoroughly tested. Windows ME is not supported. Linux is supported through Lubi [WWW] http://lubi.sourceforge.net/. "
21:51:32 [ ATDT] Title: Lubi, LVPM, UNetbootin, and Bubakup - Portal (at lubi.sourceforge.net)
21:51:33 [ wharp] yeah, it does, everything but windows ME
21:51:40 [ droops_] 98 to vista
21:52:01 [ wharp] wait, you can't run 98 on NTFS can you?
21:52:09 [ KevinYo] Doesn't support ME? What a tragedy.
21:52:40 [ wharp] actually the faq doesn't mention ntfs as a req
21:53:03 [ wharp] I think we should look at finding a screencast of the wubi install also
21:53:26 [ wharp] I think somebody sent me a link to one on youtube earlier today, but that's youtube quality
21:53:32  * Palintheus looks
21:55:06 [ droops_] i have never recorded my desktop, but it seems vmware workstation has that built in
21:55:15 [ wharp] the best one seems to be the one on youtube so far
21:55:26 [ wharp] it actually isn't horrible quality
21:56:50 [ wharp] but its using the file download and not the cd
21:57:05 [ wharp] though it mentions the other way also
21:57:10 [ wharp] http://unix-tutorial.blogspot.com/2007/10/how-to-use-wubi-dualboot-ubuntu-and.html
21:57:12 [ ATDT] Title: Linux and FreeBSD video tutorials. For everyone.: How to use Wubi - Dualboot Ubuntu and Windows (at unix-tutorial.blogspot.com)
21:57:23 ::: r11t [n=root@] has joined #ubuntu-us-la
21:57:40 ::: jms1989_compaq [n=jms1989@unaffiliated/jms1989] has quit ["leaving"]
21:58:12 ::: jms1989_compaq [n=jms1989@unaffiliated/jms1989] has joined #ubuntu-us-la
21:58:26 ::: hfwilke [n=hwilke_@28.sub-72-123-205.myvzw.com] has joined #ubuntu-us-la
21:58:44 [ hfwilke] good evening
21:58:50 [ ke5tpy] you're just in time
21:58:58 [ hfwilke] for?
21:59:00 [ hfwilke] chat?
21:59:11 [ ke5tpy] you just dodged the meeting ;)
21:59:20 [ hfwilke] \o/
21:59:24 [ hfwilke] ;)
21:59:41 [ hfwilke] Just finished snack
21:59:42 [ jms1989_compaq] yo, fellow linux dudes.
22:00:09 [ hfwilke] anything improtant in the meeting today
22:00:26 [ ATDT] New posts from: ubuntuplanet: Greg Grossmeier: Shells Shells Everywhere Shells! <http://konsilience.wordpress.com/2008/04/10/shells/>
22:00:27 [ Palintheus] OK so we are going to be pushing Wubi over dual boot if asked....anyone want to set up to demo it?
22:00:49 [ wharp] well that would mean we'd need  awindows box
22:01:22 [ jms1989_compaq] What is Wubi?
22:01:25 [ Palintheus] obviously, but someone already said they would demo dual booting iirc
22:01:40 [ ke5tpy] r2d2rogers did
22:01:50 [ r2d2rogers] traditional
22:01:51 [ wharp] ah, didn't remember that
22:01:55 [ droops_] let me try it in vmware, if it works, we can demo it in that
22:02:13 [ hfwilke] I thought wubi was just another way to create dual boot
22:02:30 [ hfwilke] I'll have to look at it again
22:02:58 [ wharp] it is a sort of dualboot with a twist though
22:03:03 [ droops_] my download is almost done, let me burn it and we will know if it works in vmware
22:03:06 [ fxef] I thought it was a virtual machine
22:03:12 [ wharp] fxef: no, its not
22:03:17 [ hfwilke] I know the install is different
22:03:23 [ hfwilke] it installs from within  windows
22:03:33 [ wharp] and it installs to a file on the windows partition
22:03:33 [ droops_] beos used to do that
22:03:35 [ hfwilke] didn't realise the outcome was sifferent
22:03:37 [ wharp] not its own partition
22:03:45 [ hfwilke] ah
22:04:15 [ hfwilke] http://wubi-installer.org/
22:04:18 [ ATDT] Title: Wubi - The Easiest Way to Linux (at wubi-installer.org)
22:06:16 [ jms1989_compaq] I guess that would be good for linux noobs. Eh?
22:06:16 [ droops_] and we do have cards with the different lugs info to pass out correct?
22:06:20 [ wharp] well guys, I've got to get to bed
22:06:32 [ wharp] droops_: I don't think we have actual cards
22:06:34 [ wharp] but we had talke dabout that
22:06:36 [ jms1989_compaq] Aw, so soon?
22:06:53 [ wharp] at the very least we can write the appropriate info on the back of one of our business cards
22:07:59 [ droops_] it starts in vmware, i dont have enough space in my windows vm to install it, so yeah this might work
22:08:09 [ r2d2rogers] sweet
22:08:26 [ droops_] want to just print out a page for each lug, with the url in little tear offs on the bottom
22:08:43 [ droops_] like we are at college selling an old couch
22:09:01 [ wharp] hahahaha, those were the days
22:09:10 ::: r11t [n=root@] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
22:09:14 [ wharp] unfortunately I had to look for a roommate like that
22:09:32 [ wharp] those things are easily lost
22:09:41 [ r2d2rogers] tape
22:09:43 [ r2d2rogers] to the cards
22:09:50 [ r2d2rogers] or the CD's
22:10:02 [ droops_] good call, i fogot about the cd's
22:10:07 [ wharp] that could work I Guess
22:10:23 [ droops_] i cna print out some little fliers with all the groups on them, we cna tape that to the cd
22:10:25 [ wharp] on our signup sheet we might want to include where they're from
22:10:58 [ r2d2rogers] wharp: +!
22:11:05 ::: johndoc [n=johndoc@] has joined #ubuntu-us-la
22:12:52 [ droops_] johndoc has a windows computer i can use
22:13:07 [ johndoc] what?
22:13:12 [ johndoc] i don't have a windows computer
22:13:22 [ wharp] don't be holding out on us now
22:13:50 [ johndoc] what?
22:14:00 [ johndoc] i have xp in virtualbox?
22:14:54 [ wharp] we know about your stash of window pcs
22:14:55 [ Palintheus] so do we want to call this meeting or is there anything else?
22:15:02 [ wharp] the first step is admitting you have a problem
22:15:11 [ johndoc] oh man, i totally missed the meeting
22:15:15 [ johndoc] ><
22:15:17 [ wharp] yeah, we're done
22:15:20 [ droops_] everyone go vote!
22:15:32 [ Palintheus] YES!
22:15:37 [ r2d2rogers] Any questions for the Ham Club event Coodinator?
22:16:07 [ wharp] I knwo we're going to have macd's network stuff, but weren't you going to ask about some other net connection?
22:16:19 [ droops_] will we be using my projector for the presentation, or will that be provided
22:17:07 [ r2d2rogers] altell was being contacted for net
22:17:11 [ r2d2rogers] haven't heard more
22:17:15 [ r2d2rogers] but will ask
22:17:28 [ r2d2rogers] will ask about projector for the Presentation/ Q&A
22:17:44 [ wharp] ok guys, I'm out, later
22:17:57 [ droops_] r2d2rogers, are we the only presentation/
22:19:33 [ r2d2rogers] nope
22:19:42 [ droops_] good deal

LouisianaTeam/Meetings/IRCLog-20080410 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:32:07 by localhost)