
Our meeting schedule is still being determined. We would like to have monthly meetings, but have yet to decide on a day or time.

Next Meeting


When: January 17th, 9:00pm

Facilitator: TBD

Minutes: log will be posted after the meeting


Add your items to the agenda for inclusion in the January meeting. Please sign any items you add.

  1. LoCo approval -wharp

  2. Individual Membership encouragement - Palintheus

  3. Goals -wharp

  4. Teams/subteams -wharp

  5. Review Project List -wharp

  6. Regular meeting time - wharp

  7. IRC Bot (ATDT), such as eggdrop, UncleSam, or ubotu - Palintheus

  8. Discuss the need for more level 10 ops in the IRC channel - Palintheus


Previous meeting minutes can be found at Minutes

LouisianaTeam/Meetings/foo (last edited 2008-08-06 16:41:03 by localhost)