MMS Context manipulation

MMS context Manipulation Tests


  • This page should be re-formatted like the other sections of the test plan. The current formatting appears as if it's one giant test case.
  • The tests all are focused on contexts with Type=mms, however Ubuntu's version of ofono allows contexts of Type=internet to also contain MMS attributes.

  • None of the tests try to change MessageProxy or protocol.

  • It should be possible to remove a MessageProxy from a MMS or Internet context.

  • It should be possible to remove a MessageCenter or from an Internet context.

  • It shouldn't be possible to remove a MessageCenter from a MMS context.


1. Verify context modifiability

Start phone with SIM card supporting separate MMS context

Run test case List-Contexts to check out the message center of MMS context. (Context with type mms). Store the existing MessageCenter to return to the working context at the end.

    [ /ril_0/context2 ]
        || Active = 0 ||
        || Name = Elisa MMS ||
        || MessageProxy = ||
        || MessageCenter = ||
        || Username = ||
        || Protocol = ip ||
        || AccessPointName = mms ||
        || Password = ||
        || IPv6.Settings = { } ||
        || Type = mms <-- Important value ||
        || Settings = { } ||

Run test case set-context-property <context number> MessageCenter FAKEVALUE ( Note that context numbers are 0-indexed, whereas context paths start with 1; ie. /context1 == 0, /context2 == 1, ... ).

Run test case list-contexts to check out that message center is set to FAKEVALUE

    [ /ril_0|| /context2 ]
        || Active = 0 ||
        || Name = Elisa MMS ||
        || MessageProxy = ||
        || MessageCenter = FAKEVALUE <--important value ||
        || Username = ||
        || Protocol = ip ||
        || AccessPointName = mms ||
        || Password = ||
        || IPv6.Settings = { } ||
        || Type = mms ||
        || Settings = { } ||

Run test case set-context-property <context number> Type wap.

Run test case set-context-property <context number> MessageCenter FAKEVALUE. You must get response "Invalid arguments in method call". This validates that gprs_contexts of type=wap cannot have a MessageCenter property set.

Run test case set-context-property <context number> Type internet.

Run test case set-context-property <context number> MessageCenter SECOND_FAKEVALUE. This validates that a MessageCenter property can be set for a gprs_context of Type=internet.

Run test case list-contexts to check out that message center is set to SECOND_FAKEVALUE

    [ /ril_0/context2 ]
        || Active = 0 ||
        || Name = Elisa MMS ||
        || MessageProxy = ||
        || MessageCenter = SECOND_FAKEVALUE <--important value ||
        || Username =  ||
        || Protocol = ip ||
        || AccessPointName = mms ||
        || Password = ||
        || IPv6.Settings = { } ||
        || Type = mms ||
        || Settings = { } ||

Run test case set-context-property <context number> Type mms.

Run test case set-context-property <context number> MessageCenter <original value you stored in the beginning>.

MMS Context manipulation (last edited 2015-09-11 19:50:07 by 209-6-88-107)