
Revision 7 as of 2007-04-26 17:09:57

Clear message

(still a proposal)


The MOTU Council must make sure to NOT aggregate powers of the MOTU team, and does ideally only process applications for MOTUship. This means, that if things are working out either for MOTU in general, or specific subteams, MOTU council will not take action.

General MOTU policies are thus handled by all MOTUs, who cast votes (either during a MOTU meeting or by other means). A single majority will determine the outcome. MOTU Council members will have the same status here as any other MOTU.

Only if a decision should not evolve by other means, MOTU Council will step in and make this decision where needed.


  • It will approve or defer MOTU candidates
  • Its actions and processes will be
    • open
    • transparent
    • responsive to MOTUs
  • It will supervise policy decisions done by the MOTU team and can thus
  • intervene only if things would otherwise turn really bad. (FIXME: better wording)
  • It can make own policy decisions if otherwise no progress would be made after all
  • It can resolve disputes among MOTU developers. (FIXME: needed?)
  • It will be a point of contact for developers & reponsible to the TechnicalBoard

  • what else?


from last MC meeting, ajmitch's proposal: [...] that all MOTUs vote on issues, the MC members having the same status as any other MOTU, with meetings being held every two weeks, replacing the 3 weekly cycle of MOTU/MC meetings 12:05 ajmitch and that if decisions are not being reached, then the MC steps in & makes a decision where needed

FIXME: should the 2 week motu-meeting cycle be in this charter? what documents to update for this?

ReinhardTartler: While I really like the foreword, and think the intention of the Charter is really good, the charter text itself is too wishywashy for my taste. I'd expect some more clear guidelines in what cases exactly the Council can be called, who can call the Council, and what kind of actions the council can take. Who is to determines what needs to be happen for a thing to "turn really bad", etc.

StephanHermann: Disputes among MOTU Developers? I mean different views of how something is done, that's a normal discussion, imho, so what are disputes between developers? Smile :)