Warning /!\

The MOTU team is pondering merging this page with UbuntuDevelopment, expect an announcement on ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com soon.
If you want to make changes to this page, ask in #ubuntu-motu or on the MOTU mailing list for a better place for those changes.

Despite me having studied many UbuntuDevelopment pages, I find this page might be valuable. As a prospective motu it is very good to have this information summarized in one place. I hope a page like this is being kept around. 28 Jul 2008, Mouz

Almost all of these cases are addressed in UbuntuDevelopment or other process documents already. If this document contains more information, we should merge it into the other places.

This is an old early draft of many of the other documents. I don't think there's really much to merge, but lets leave it around until the wiki cleanup is complete, as there's no coherent replacement, and it deserves a check to make sure everything was addressed - EmmetHikory

Note - this is a very early draft. Needs very much work. Please update it.

Bug Patches

Initial Resolver

Self-Assign the bug, and set the status to "In Progress". Create a debdiff that fixes the bug, including a note that the bug is closed in the changelog ("(LP: #bugnumber)"). Assign the bug to "Nobody", and set the status to "Confirmed". Subscribe ubuntu-sponsors. Subscribe to the bug, and when it is uploaded, check the build status. Once it has built correctly, set the status to "Fix Released". Do not update the Assignee. If the package fails to build, address any problems as soon as possible.

Reviewer / Sponsor

(otional) Self-Assign the bug, and set the status to "In Progress". Review the patch to make sure it makes sense. Download the package and the patch. Verify that the package builds properly. Verify that the package installs properly. Verify that the bug is addressed. Upload the package. Set the bug status to "Fix Committed", and include the .changes file as a comment. If alterations are required to the patch, add a comment indicating the alterations requested, and set the status to "Needs Info".


Self-Assign the bug, and set the status to "In Progress". After uploading the package, set the status to "Fix Committed", and include the .changes file as a comment. Once all builds are complete, set the status to "Fix Released".

Stable Release Updates

Initial Requestor

Reviewer Sponsor


SRU team

New Upstream Packages

Initial Requestor

Create a working package of the new upstream. Include all Ubuntu and Debian bugs addressed in the changelog. Upload to REVU. Open a new bug with a title "new upstream version x.y.z", with a link to REVU and the new changelog entry in the bug. Include any additional information that may be useful when making a decision to upload the bug. Add a comment attaching the output of diff -Nur on the two debian directories to the bug, with an explanation of any particular changes that may be confusing to reviewers. Subscribe ubuntu-sponsors. Do not assign the bug. Do not set the status. Once the package is uploaded, verify the package builds correctly, and set the status to "Fix Released". Once uploaded, do not use REVU for new revisions, instead open a bug and follow the bug fix procedure above.

Reviewer Sponsor

Review the REVU package as normal (some leniency may be in order to minimize changes from Debian). Verify that the debian/ differences are as small as are required to support the new upstream (unless additional changes are requested in light of policy updates, etc.). If accepted, comment in REVU. IF you are the second advocate in REVU, upload the package, Self-Assign the bug, and set the status to "Fix Committed". If alterations are required for the new package, comment in REVU.


Create a working package of the new upstream. Include all Ubuntu and Debian bugs addressed in the changelog. Upload to REVU (or alternate location). Create a new bug with a title "new upstream version x.y.z", with a link to REVU, and the new changelog entry in the bug. Self-Assign the bug, and set the status to "In-Progress". Receive confirmation from another MOTU that the changes are sane. Upload the package. Set the status to "Fix Committed", and include the .changes file in a comment. When all builds are complete, set the status to "Fix Released".

Package SYNC

Initial Requestor

Verify that the package to be SYNC'd builds in the current development environment. Create a bug entitled "SYNC package x.y.z-n (section) from SOURCE (section)" containing 1) a list of all Ubuntu changes in the last version, and why each of them is no longer required, 2) an explanation of why the package needs to be updated, and 3) All changelog entries not in the currently distributed Ubuntu package. Subscribe ubuntu-sponsors. Do not set the status or Assignee of the bug. If the bug is rejected, rename the bug as a merge, Self-Assign, set the status to "Unconfirmed", and process as a merge.

Reviewer Sponsor

Self-Assign the bug and set status to "In Progress". Review the changes in the package. If a SYNC is warranted, verify the package builds and installs in the current development environment. If all is well, assign the bug to "Nobody", set status to "Confirmed", and add a comment including the text "ACK". Subscribe ubuntu-archive. If the package should not be SYNC's, set the status to "Rejected" with an explanation of the rejection.


Verify that the package to be SYNC'd builds in the current development environment. Create a bug entitled "SYNC package x.y.z-n (section) from SOURCE (section)" containing 1) a list of all Ubuntu changes in the last version, and why each of them is no longer required, 2) an explanation of why the package needs to be updated, and 3) All changelog entries not in the currently distributed Ubuntu package. Subscribe ubuntu-archive. Set the status of the bug to "Confirmed".

Archive Administrator

Perform the sync. Add a comment to tbe bug indicating this has been done. Set the status to "Fix Released".

Package DROP

Initial Requestor

Create a bug describing the rationale for dropping the package. Subscribe ubuntu-sponsors.

Reviewer Sponsor

Review the rationale to determine if the package should be dropped. If so, add a comment with the text "ACK", set the status to "Confirmed", and subscribe ubuntu-archive.


Create a bug describing the rationale for dropping the package. Subscribe ubuntu-universe-archive.

Archive Administrator

Perform the drop. Add a comment to tbe bug indicating this has been done. Set the status to "Fix Released".

Package Merge

Initial Requestor

Create a bug entitled "MERGE package x.y.z-n from Debian" requesting the merge. Self-Assign the bug, and set the status to "In Progress". Include in the bug description the interim Debian changelog. Create a debdiff for the merge. Ensure that the first entry in the changelog matches the style provided by MoM, and that all Ubuntu changes are noted. Verify that any Ubuntu changes adopted by Debian or upstream do not require adjustment. Add a comment to the bug attaching the debdiff. Assign the bug to "Nobody" and set the status to "Unconfirmed". Subscribe ubuntu-sponsors.

Reviewer Sponsor

Self-assign the bug. Review the patch to ensure it is complete and appropriate. If further changes are required to the package, set the status to "In Progress" while making further changes. When uploaded, set the status to "Fix Committed", and add a comment with the .changes file. If a SYNC is preferred, retitle the bug and change the description. Add a comment indicating why the package should by SYNC's rahter than merged. Subscribe ubuntu-archive. If additional work is required for the merge, set the status to "Needs Info", and add a comment describing the additional work to be done.


Create a bug entitled "MERGE package x.y.z-n from Debian" requesting the merge. Self-Assign the bug, and set the status to "In Progress". Include in the bug description the interim Debian changelog. Create a debdiff for the merge. Ensure that the first entry in the changelog matches the style provided by MoM, and that all Ubuntu changes are noted. Verify that any Ubuntu changes adopted by Debian or upstream do not require adjustment. Upload the new package, set the bug status to "Fix Committed", and add a comment with the .changes file.


MOTU/Launchpad/Guide (last edited 2010-03-15 09:03:19 by p5DDC3681)