Ubuntu MOTU Meeting Minutes for Friday, 5 November, 20:00 UTC.
SRU Process Change
Scott Kitterman suggested that the Universe SRU process be updated to require a TEST case in the description, as was recently done for Main. After brief discussion, a vote was taken, resulting in a decision to adopt this process. StableReleaseUpdates has been updated to reflect this decision.
REVU Reviewing Guidelines
Emmet Hikory proposed a set of Reviewing Requirements for REVU packages. After some discussion and modification of the specific review criteria, it was agreed that the criteria should be considered Guidelines and then adopted, and that the criteria should be revised, and presented for later vote. In the later vote, the criteria were accepted, and are to be published on the wiki. Stefan Potyra dissented, suggesting that both the set of criteria and the existence of criteria would benefit from wider discussion on the mailing list prior to adoption.
New Package Reviewing Process
Scott Kitterman proposed alterations in the New Package review process to reduce requirements for status tracking in both LP and REVU. Specifically, once assignment as been established, the LP bug should not be used for tracking until the archive-admins have accepted the package, and that all new packages should be first published to REVU. The process change was approved by vote, and published on the mailing list after the relevant sections of the wiki were updated.
Review of New Upstream Versions
Emmet Hikory suggested the exclusive use of interdiff as an input for requests for new upstream versions. After discussion on process, a vote was taken to use interdiffs for reviewing new upstream packages. Emmet will publish instructions for the use of interdiff for reviews to the wiki and to mailing lists, and update related process documentation.
Ubuntu Universe Sponsors Day
Luke Yelavich had proposed the idea of a dedicated day for processing of the Ubuntu-Universe-Sponsors queue. In discussion, it was determined that many bugs in the queue were being handled well by existing sponsors, but some bugs lingered for extended periods of time, and more sponsors would be welcome. There was general agreement to delegate the organisation and advertisement of Ubuntu Universe Sponsors Day or other means of recruiting sponsors to the Sponsors Team. Further, Stefan Potyra requested regular announcement of long-standing unsponsored bugs (in queue over a week). Reinhard Tartler suggested the use of a tag-based tracking system for these bugs to provide some automation and reduce the risk of stale bugs appearing on the mailing list.
Next Meeting Time
The Next MOTU Meeting will be 23rd November, 12:00 UTC.
Next REVU Day
The next REVU days will be 12th and 19th November, in all timezones.
Next Q&A Sessions
There were no proposals for specific session times, and later determination and publication of session schedules was deferred until a future date.