Revision 19 as of 2005-08-29 16:40:25

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 ATTENTION: REVU HAS MOVED! Please update your

[ revu] is the current working name of a review tool for [:MOTU] Uploads. This service is experimental at the moment and involves quite some manual interaction. The service is located at

To register as uploader

Please send a signed email with your GnuPG keyid to I will add you then to the uploaders keyring (== Upload rights for revu). You don't need a password for uploading, just for logging in at the website and replying to comments.

Please note that all uploaders for universe have been added to the revu keyring!

Howto login

After your first upload, you will be automatically registered to the database and assigned a random password. Use your email address you used in the changelog file of your upload as login and press the 'recover password' link.

To register as reviewer

Please send a signed and encrypted mail with your password and GnuPG keyid to I will mark you as Reviewer in the database.

Howto upload

The upload process is similar to uploading to ubuntu, see [:Uploads]. Here is a dput snippet:

  fqdn =
  incoming = /incoming
  login = anonymous

Don't forget to adjust your [DEFAULT] section to have an entry like this:

  default_host_main = revu

Please do only signed uploads, and please always include the orig tarball. Otherwise reviewers won't be able to look at your extracted source package. When building with dpkg-buildpackage, you can use options "-S -sa -rfakeroot" to build only the source package and also include the original source in the package.

After the package is built, you can use dput with the above config file changes to upload it by specifying just the *_source.changes file that was created, ie. dput *_source.changes. If your firewall requires a passive FTP, dput will seem to hang while uploading. In that case, try "dput -P *_source.changes".

If you are reuploading a changed package (after receiving reviews), you may get an error like this:

  Upload package to host revu
  Already uploaded to
  Doing nothing for myapp_source.changes

To fix, add the -f option to dput to force the upload.

Processing of uploads is done every 5 min. So, if your upload doesn't show up, please contact or siretart in #ubuntu-motu

Feature Requests

please use [ The revu-Development-Center] for feature requests and bug reports.
