
Revision 19 as of 2014-08-25 07:39:53

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Key Details


  • MariaDB/MySQL Presentation - 15 August 2014 at Flying Dodo, Bagatelle. Technical presentation by Joffrey Michaïe. Followed by discussions on Linuxfest 2014 & participation of Ubuntu Mauritius.

  • Ubuntu Global Jam - Mauritius - 12 September 2014 on the Campus of University of Mauritius.

  • Linuxfest 2014 - No date announced yet.

  • Infotech 2014 - Participation of Ubuntu Mauritius at the Infotech 2014 <>.

  • Ignite Talk - Ubuntu Mauritius introduction during Ignite Talk. Date to be announced yet.


Previous events/activities

  • Ubuntu Mauritius Presentation - Presenting Ubuntu Mauritius during Linux User Group of Mauritius meetup <>.

  • Corsair Hackers Reboot <> - Ubuntu installation during Corsair Hackers Reboot.

  • National Open Source Policy workshop - Introduced Ubuntu Mauritius during the National Open Source Policy workshop organized by the National Computer Board.

  • Linuxfest 2013 - Ubuntu presentation by Nadim Attari.

  • Infotech 2013 - Installation of Ubuntu on notebook at the NCB (National Computer Board) stand. Ubuntu demos for public.
