
Differences between revisions 17 and 18
Revision 17 as of 2008-08-06 17:01:10
Size: 5961
Editor: localhost
Revision 18 as of 2008-08-21 17:59:38
Size: 7328
Editor: 193
Comment: Color calibration instructions
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== Fully Enabling Graphics ==

In order to fully utilize the graphics acceleration of you MacBook Pro, you need to use proprietary drivers, not normally distributed with Ubuntu.

Luckily doing so is easy.

1. Go to: System >> Administration >> Hardware Drivers
2. Click on the 'Enabled' check box next to the 'NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver'
3. Restart your computer

Once restarted, you probably want to re-calibrate your LCD color scheme. Use the following instructions:

1. Go to and download the binary. (Compile it from source if you choose.)
2. From your Mac OS X partition, copy your Color LCD.icc (name may vary) calibration file to the download directory of xcalib. On a regular setup, the calibration file can usually be found here:
/media/Macintosh HD/Library/ColorSync/Profiles/Displays/Color LCD.icc
3. Once you have copied the file to the same directory as xcalib, open a terminal. cd to the download folder and give it execute permissions with this command:
$ chmod +x xcalib
4. Then run:
$ sudo ./xcalib Color LCD.icc
Be sure to substitute the correct file name of your configuration file.
5. You should instantly see your colors correct.

This forum posts outlines the calibration process in more detail:

Ubuntu on a Penryn MacBookPro

If you are searching for installation instructions or information on MacBookPro1,1 or MacBookPro2,1, check the main MacBookPro wiki article.

For other hardware items not mentioned here, or if you have a MacBookPro3,1, check the Santa Rosa MacBookPro wiki article.


This Wiki article has been written to help those with 4th generation "Penryn" MacBookPro laptops (originally released February 2008.) There are a number of significant differences between the hardware configurations of these and the older versions which need to be accounted for when setting up Ubuntu.

Hardware Changes

There are 3 main differences between the Penryn MacBookPro and its older siblings.

  • The Laptop has an updated version of the Broadcom Wireless Card. To get it working, a Windows XP driver is required from the MacbookPro installation disk, as well as ndiswrapper to get the driver working under Linux. The original HowTo detailing the installation process was written by amonsul and is available in this Ubuntu Forum thread.

  • The Trackpad on the newer laptops now offers multi-touch support. The driver to use is called bcm5974 and is not yet included in the Linux kernel, however, it can be downloaded from this thread. (Older info: there is a project called touchd, to implement multi-touch functionality. More information is available from the touchd Sourceforge page).

  • Finally, the Fn key does not work upon installation of Hardy. This has yet to be fixed in the Ubuntu kernel but a solid workaround has been developed by _alex_, as outlined in this Ubuntu Forums thread.

Installing the Broadcom Wireless Driver

1. Install ndiswrapper with Synaptic Package Manager

2. Find the file, BroadcomXPInstaller.exe, on the Mac installation CD, and copy it to a folder on your computer.

3. Unzip the Broadcom drivers

unrar e BroadcomXPInstaller.exe

4. Install the wireless driver:

sudo ndiswrapper -i bcmwl5.inf
sudo ndiswrapper -l
sudo ndiswrapper -m
sudo modprobe ndiswrapper

5. Open Boot-time modules file

sudo gedit /etc/modules

6. Add ndiswrapper to the bottom of the file so it loads on boot

If you are running Ubuntu version 8.04 (Hardy Heron), please also perform the following 4 steps.

7. Create file /etc/init.d/ndiswrapper

sudo gedit /etc/init.d/ndiswrapper

8. Add the following text to the file

# Provides: ndiswrapper
# Required-Start:
# Required-Stop:
# Default-Start: S
# Default-Stop:
# Short-Description: enable to load ndiswrapper
# Description: enable to load ndiswrapper
rmmod ohci_hcd
rmmod ssb
rmmod ndiswrapper
modprobe ndiswrapper
modprobe ssb
modprobe ohci_hcd

9. Set file access permissions

sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/ndiswrapper

10. Create a symbolic link from /etc/init.d/ndiswrapper to /etc/rc2.d/S99ndiswrapper

sudo ln -s /etc/init.d/ndiswrapper /etc/rc2.d/S99ndiswrapper

Reboot your computer and your wireless should now be working.


There is a brand-new kernel driver for the BCM5974 device sitting in the Macbook Pro Penryn. Follow for downloads. Via the synaptics driver, the bcm5974 supports double/triple-finger clicks/taps, two-finger mouse scroll and swiping.

Apple Hotkeys Fix (Pommed)

The following steps are for enabling the Apple hotkeys (volume control, brightness, and FN keys)

As of 21-June-2008, the Ubuntu Repositories have not been updated to contain the latest version of pommed - the hotkeys handler.

You can download the debian package for the newer version of pommed from this page: Be sure to download the deb file that matches your Ubuntu install (i386 vs AMD64).

The following old information explains how to add the Debian Testing (Lenny) Repository to your system. You can easily break your system by installing packages from this repo if you do not know what you are doing. It is much safer to use the instructions above to install the debian lenny version of pommed.

1. Open Synaptic Package Manager.
2. Go to "Settings", and then "Repositories".
3. Click on the "Third-party software" tab, then click "add".
4. Add:
deb lenny main

5. Reload update information.
6. Search for pommed in Synaptic, and select the package for installation.
7. Install pommed with the "Apply" button.
8. Go back to Settings > Repositories
9. Uncheck the Debian repository.
10. Reload update information.

WARNING: DO NOT UPDATE ANY OF YOUR OTHER PACKAGES UNTIL YOU HAVE DISABLED THE DEBIAN REPOSITORY AGAIN! Serious system malfunction may result. Wait until disabling the Debian repository, and reload the update list again.

Fully Enabling Graphics

In order to fully utilize the graphics acceleration of you MacBook Pro, you need to use proprietary drivers, not normally distributed with Ubuntu.

Luckily doing so is easy.

1. Go to: System >> Administration >> Hardware Drivers 2. Click on the 'Enabled' check box next to the 'NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver' 3. Restart your computer

Once restarted, you probably want to re-calibrate your LCD color scheme. Use the following instructions:

1. Go to and download the binary. (Compile it from source if you choose.) 2. From your Mac OS X partition, copy your Color LCD.icc (name may vary) calibration file to the download directory of xcalib. On a regular setup, the calibration file can usually be found here:

/media/Macintosh HD/Library/ColorSync/Profiles/Displays/Color LCD.icc

3. Once you have copied the file to the same directory as xcalib, open a terminal. cd to the download folder and give it execute permissions with this command:

$ chmod +x xcalib

4. Then run:

$ sudo ./xcalib Color LCD.icc

Be sure to substitute the correct file name of your configuration file. 5. You should instantly see your colors correct.

This forum posts outlines the calibration process in more detail:

Enabling Sound/Microphone

1. Open the modprobe.d options file for editing

sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/options

2. Add the following line to the bottom of the file

options snd_hda_intel model=mbp3

3. Reboot your computer

4. Recommended: leave microphone muted in the volume control to prevent feedback when closing the lid. Don't forget to un-mute the speakers/microphone before testing.

MacBookPro/Penryn (last edited 2008-10-31 15:05:43 by 128)