Main Inclusion Report for ec2-init
Availability: ec2-init is available for amd64, i386 (python)
ec2-init is being developed by the ubuntu team to provide hooks during boot up to do ec2 (and UEC) specific things. One such example is to re-generate ssh keys on each new instance. Another piece of functionality is running/consuming 'user data' input that is provided to the instance via the user who started it. This package is a core piece of functionality of the ec2 and UEC images that we produce. The upstream is
CVE entries: None
Secunia history: None
- Any binaries running as root or suid/sgid ? The ec2-init scripts runs as root during the boot process. Additionally, the user who started the instance can optionally pass scripts that are run at this time (as root). There are no daemons in the package.
Network activity: does it open any port ? No. Does it handle incoming network data ? No.
Does it directly (not through a library) process binary (video, audio, etc) or structured (PDF, etc) data ? ec2-init parses user data via the python libraries. It handles multi-part input via python email library and xml input via python xml.dom.minidom
Any source code review performed ? I (ScottMoser) have been working with the ec2-init code some. Soren is the Primary developer. No explicity source code review has taken place.
Quality assurance:
- In what situations does the package not work out of the box without configuration ? If the package is installed on non-ec2 or uec, it will cause long timeouts on boot.
Does the package ask any debconf questions higher than priority 'medium' ? No
Debian bugs: Not packaged
Maintenance in Debian Not packaged
Upstream is frenetic/vigorous/calm/dead ? Upstream is not terribly active. The package is reasonably mature.
Upstream bug tracker: bug 431255 is intended to be addressed shortly.
- Hardware: Does this package deal with hardware and if so how exotic is it ? It runs on ec2 or UEC guests. No direct interaction with hardware.
Is there a test suite in the upstream source or packaging ? No, Is it enabled to run in the build ? No
UI standards:
- User-visible strings are internationalized using standard gettext system ? The only user-visible strings are during boot (init output).
Package with translatable strings builds a PO template during package build ? Not Applicable
End-user applications ship a desktop file ? Not Applicable
Standards compliance:
FHS, Debian Policy compliance ? Yes.
Packaging system (debhelper/cdbs/dbs) ? cdbs. Patch system ? quilt (currently no patches). Any packaging oddities ? No
python-configobj (Universe: MIR)
python-cheetah (Universe: MIR)
python-boto (Universe: MIR)
- How much maintenance is this package likely to need ? The ubuntu package maintainence needs of ec2-init are not significant. However, the upstream is Ubuntu, and that will/does require resources.
Who is responsible for monitoring the quality of this package and fixing its bugs ? SorenHanson and ScottMoser, and the ec2-on-ubuntu team. Are they Ubuntu or Debian developers ? Ubuntu.
- Who is the package bug contact in Ubuntu?
Background information:
- The general purpose and context of the package should be clear from the package's debian/control file.
What do upstream call this software ? ec2-init. Has it had different names in the past ? No
Are graphical applications translatable? Do they support gettext? Not Applicable
MIR bug:
The author of this report should put their name here; reviewers will add comments etc. too