Main Inclusion Report for opencryptoki
source package:
binary packages needed in main: libopencryptoki-dev, libopencryptoki0
binary packages that are not required in main: opencryptoki, opencryptoki-dbg
- available for all supported architectures
Build dependency of ecryptfs-utils (MainInclusionReportEcryptfsUtils)
CVE entries: none
Secunia history: none
No binaries running as root or suid/sgid in the libraries
No daemons are part of the library
The libraries do not hvae network activity or open ports
The libraries do not handle incoming network data
Any source code review performed ? no
Quality assurance:
The library works out of the box without configuration
Does the package does not ask any debconf questions higher than priority 'medium'
Debian bugs: no showstoppers
Maintenance in Debian is active ?
Upstream is active ?
Upstream bug tracker: no showstoppers
- Hardware: The kernel TPM driver deals with opencryptoki cryptographic accelerators. These libraries expose the API to supported accelerators.
There is a test suit in an Upstream CVS module, but it is not part of the source package or build.
Standards compliance:
FHS, Debian Policy compliance ? yes
Debian library packaging guide standards compliance ? yes
- Packaging system
- Patch system
- Packaging oddities
Build Dependencies
debhelper (>= 7), dpatch, autotools-dev, libtspi-dev
libtspi-dev is not in main, see MainInclusionReportTrousers, 247590
Background information: Quoting debian/control:
- Description: PKCS#11 implementation for Linux (library) -- openCryptoki is a PKCS#11 Cryptographic Token Interface Standard implementation for Linux. It includes drivers and libraries to enable IBM cryptographic hardware such as Trusted Computing Platform (TPM) cryptographic devices as well as a software token for testing.
What do upstream call this software ? opencryptoki
Has it had different names in the past ? no
MIR bug: 247593
- Dustin Kirkland
MainInclusionReportOpencryptoki (last edited 2008-08-06 20:48:07 by rrcs-71-42-183-204)