
Revision 4 as of 2009-08-06 08:57:17

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Main Inclusion Report for libdbusmenu


  1. Availability: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/libd/libdbusmenu; available for all supported architectures or some subset ? All

  2. Rationale:

    • Build dependency of indicator-messages
  3. Security:

    • Any binaries running as root or suid/sgid ? Any daemons ? No. No.
    • Network activity: does it open any port ? Does it handle incoming network data ? No.
    • Does it directly (not through a library) process binary (video, audio, etc) or structured (PDF, etc) data ? No.
    • Any source code review performed ? Yes.
  4. Quality assurance:

    • In what situations does the package not work out of the box without configuration ? Noknown
    • Does the package ask any debconf questions higher than priority 'medium' ? No.
    • Upstream is vigorous

    • Upstream bug tracker: None Smile :)

    • Hardware: Does this package deal with hardware and if so how exotic is it ? None.
    • Is there a test suite in the upstream source or packaging ? Is it enabled to run in the build ? Yes. No.
  5. UI standards:

    • User-visible strings are internationalized using standard gettext system ? Yes.
    • Package with translatable strings builds a PO template during package build ? Yes.
    • End-user applications ship a desktop file ? NA
  6. Dependencies:

    • libdbus-glib
    • libglib
    • libgtk
    • libxml
    • Are these all in main ? Yes.
  7. Maintenance:

    • How much maintenance is this package likely to need ? Simple.
    • Who is responsible for monitoring the quality of this package and fixing its bugs ? Are they Ubuntu or Debian developers ? Canonical, a few are.
  8. Background information:

    • The general purpose and context of the package should be clear from the package's debian/control file. If it isn't then please explain.
    • What do upstream call this software ? Has it had different names in the past ? libdbusmenu, dbusmenu. No.
  9. Internationalization:

    • Are graphical applications translatable? Do they support gettext? Yes, yes.


MIR bug: https://launchpad.net/bugs/BUGNUMBER
