Main inclusion report for libxml-libxml-common-perl
1. Availability:, compiled on all arches.
2. Rationale: Dependency of libxml-libxml-perl which was requested to go into main.
3. Security:
- No CANs.
- No Secunia record.
- Implemented in C and is very likely used in web servers, so bugs have the potential of privilege escalation.
4. QA:
- Installation: Library, no end user tool.
- Bugs: No Debian bugs.
- No special hardware interaction.
5. Standards compliance:
Standard debhelper packaging.
- FHS met.
- Debian package and library policy met.
MartinPitt: approved
MainInclusionReportLibxmlLibXmlCommonPerl (last edited 2008-08-06 16:28:27 by localhost)