
Revision 4 as of 2006-10-17 09:12:34

Clear message (sorry, off line for the moment due to mess with dns agent switch)

Some things I did (and still do!) with and for Ubuntu:

  • 1999 (pre-ubuntu) - now: free software translation work, inside & outside ubuntu, see google &

  • 2004/10: ubuntu user since Warty
  • 2005/07: offer gstreamer MIDI integration bounty (see

  • 2006/03 - now: report bugs, see

  • 2006/02: set up a map of Ubuntu users in Belgium (code+ quiet beta launch, initially under , Dutch for

  • 2006/05/27: organise a Dapper PR preparation meeting with 10 fellow Ubuntu users from Belgium (very little if anything had happened between the launch in 2006/02 and this date)
  • 2006/06: create use cases for LoCoTeam software infrastructure based upon team member input, see

  • 2006/06 - now: find & encourage php developers to create LoCoTeam software infrastructure, set up launchpad infrastructure, see

  • 2006/06/x: reformulate the mission statement after group input
  • 2006/05/30: write Ubuntu 6.06 LTS/ press release, including quote from NL_BE education ministry IT policy chief
  • 2006/05/3x: write NL_BE site contents, coordinate with FR_BE
  • 2006/06/01: gather press contacts; send off PR; be NL_BE press contact
  • 2006/06/01: Het Nieuwsblad interview (print newspaper, 212000 ex.), see

  • 2006/09: search and find volunteers & funding for computer fair booths

  • 2006/09/2x: Het Bedrijf/L'entreprise, >10000 ex. SME magazine interview

  • 2006/09/26: shipit request: 999 Ubuntu 6.06 LTS 32 bit x86 for computer fairs
  • 2006/10/04: shipit received: 200 Ubuntu 6.06 LTS 23 bit x86 from shipit
  • 2006/10/07: fund Antwerp computer fair booth & CD-R's

  • 2006/10/08: promote Ubuntu at Antwerp computer fair booth
  • 2006/10/13: organise 2006/10/15 Leuven computer fair booth preparation meeting (7 people)
  • 2006/10/14: print and cut 800 leaflets for fair booth
  • 2006/10/15: buy breakfast for booth participants & have great fun evangelising at booth